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It wasn't my day

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It wasn't my day

Postby MediumRare on Mon Feb 10, 2003 1:55 am

Last week I wanted to save some data onto a CDR at work. My colleague has a new PC with burner (Artec 48/16/50), so I pulled out a Verbatim Ultraspeed-RW. No go- it wants to write this at 4x. OK, I had a CDR with an open session, but it was started with Win-On-CD. I hadn't continued one of these with Nero, and was not in the mood for experiments (I was in a hurry). Off to our "burner PC" (Yamaha 3200, max 10x RW).


They'd installed Windows XP since the last time I logged on. I hate out of the box XP. It pops up more windows than an erotic web site and before you look twice the dogs start barking at you!! And no network access (in a hurry...).

So back to the Artec and a second session on the CDR with Nero. Of course there was an error in closing the session and no new data was readable.

I went home. It wasn't my day.

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XP = x-tra pain

Postby Kantos Kan on Tue Feb 18, 2003 1:46 am

That sure doesn't sound like fun. Can you pick up one of these $20 burners for your work PC? I'd be tempted.
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