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OfficeMax Deals From 2/2 To 2/8

Postby BuddhaTB on Sun Feb 02, 2003 5:25 pm

Fuji 700MB 48x CD-R Media Spindle 30-Pack
$12.99 - $5 Instant Rebate - $6 Mail-In Rebate = $1.99 VERY HOT!
*Made By TY*
Imation 700MB 48x CD-R Media Spindle 50-Pack
$19.99 - $10 Instant Rebate = $9.99
*Made By CMC*
Imation 80min Music CD-R 5-Pack With Jewel Case
$3.99 - $1 Instant Rebate = $2.99
*Made By CMC*
Memorex 700MB 4x CD-RW Media Spindle 25-Pack
$19.99 - $5 Instant Rebate = $14.99
*Horrible Quality, Stay Away From*
Memorex 700MB 10x CD-RW Media 10-Pack With Jewel Case
$14.99 - $5 Instant Rebate = $9.99
Memorex 4.7GB DVD+R 5-Pack With Jewel Case
$24.99 - $10 Instant Rebate = $14.99
Fuji 4.7GB DVD-R 10-Pack With Jewel Cases
$39.99 - $15 Instant Rebate = $24.99
HP 4.7GB DVD+RW Media 3-Pack With Jewel Cases
$19.99 - $5 Instant Rebate = $14.99
I/O Magic 48x16x48 Internal CD-RW Drive
$69.99 - $30 Instant Rebate - $20 Mail-In Rebate = $19.99
*Made By Benq, Optorite, CyberDrive, or BTC*
Cendyne 52x24x52 Internal CD-RW Drive
$99.99 - $20 Instant Rebate - $30 Mail-In Rebate = $49.99
*Made By Lite-On, Benq, or Optorite. Look For Model # LTR-54246S On The Back Of The Box For A Lite-On Drive*
Cendyne 52x24x52 External USB 2.0 CD-RW Drive
$149.99 - $30 Instant Rebate - $30 Mail-In Rebate = $89.99
Verbatim DVD+R/+RW Internal Drive
$299.99 - $60 Instant Rebate - $40 Mail-In Rebate = $199.99
*Write Speed: 2.4X (DVD+R) or 12X (CD-R)*
*Read Speed: 8X (DVD) or 32X (CD)*
*Re-Write Speed: 2.4X (DVD+RW) or 10X (CD-RW)*


All Rebates Limit One (1) Per Household Or Address
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Postby daHeck on Tue Feb 04, 2003 3:17 pm

I just bought a Lighning V couple days ago,it's a Lite-On as well,Oh it works like the dream,but the price after tax and rebate is 55$ something
campared to newegg's Lite-On 59.99$ without rebate,which one would be considered? :-?
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Postby CignaXI on Tue Feb 04, 2003 3:24 pm

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Postby BuddhaTB on Tue Feb 04, 2003 9:08 pm

I would go for the Lite-On from Newegg. You don't have to deal with the rebate hassle.
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:25 pm

Hey BuddhaTB, I picked up the IO magic Optorite 48x16x48x for $19 after MIR. Is that a decent drive?

I put it into a machine I'm setting up for my wife, and it seemed to write okay, but CD Speed ScanDisc won't work on it! :(
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Postby BuddhaTB on Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:44 pm

UALOneKPlus wrote:Hey BuddhaTB, I picked up the IO magic Optorite 48x16x48x for $19 after MIR. Is that a decent drive?

I put it into a machine I'm setting up for my wife, and it seemed to write okay, but CD Speed ScanDisc won't work on it! :(

For $20, it should be a good drive for your wife. I'm pretty sure she won't be burning as many CD's as you would. To really see how your drive performs, I would burn some CD's and use CD Doctor or WSES to test for C1/C2 errors. As for the CD Speed Scan Disc problem, have you tried updating Nero to version Try that and see if that solves your problem. But overall, any CD-RW drive for $20 is a pretty good deal if the drive works for you and produces quality burns. I'm still curious as to what drive you got. Any model #'s on the drive itself? What does the front faceplate look like? Just look through the reviews on 48x16x48 CD-RW drives and maybe you'll find a drive that looks just like yours.
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Wed Feb 05, 2003 11:16 pm

BuddhaTB wrote: For $20, it should be a good drive for your wife. I'm pretty sure she won't be burning as many CD's as you would. To really see how your drive performs, I would burn some CD's and use CD Doctor or WSES to test for C1/C2 errors. As for the CD Speed Scan Disc problem, have you tried updating Nero to version Try that and see if that solves your problem. But overall, any CD-RW drive for $20 is a pretty good deal if the drive works for you and produces quality burns. I'm still curious as to what drive you got. Any model #'s on the drive itself? What does the front faceplate look like? Just look through the reviews on 48x16x48 CD-RW drives and maybe you'll find a drive that looks just like yours.

It's an Optorite CW4802. I'm actually using Nero on it, which writes perfectly. Here's the a picture of the drive:


I really like the looks of the front versus the plain Jane Lite-On's, but it's what's inside that really counts!
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Postby BuddhaTB on Wed Feb 05, 2003 11:59 pm

If your happy with the performance and quality of the drive, then there should be no complaints on a $20 CD-RW drive. You could do a lot worse, so overall you got a good deal. I'm happy that you like your new CD burner. :D
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Postby KuoH on Thu Feb 06, 2003 1:04 am

FYI if you add $10.01 of merchandise to the DVD writer, you can use the $50 off $250 online coupon. That brings the total to $200 before the $40 MIR. Check www.ultimatecoupons.com for the coupon link.

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