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LTR-52246s, V6S07 firmware shows PCAV!!!

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LTR-52246s, V6S07 firmware shows PCAV!!!

Postby hrbngr on Thu Jan 30, 2003 2:02 pm

I have searched the forum for info on this firmware,but the V6S07 firmware loaded on the LTR-52246 that I just purchased (Cendyne Lightning V) shows type P-CAV when I create a data CD.

according to Nero CD SPeed, the starting and end speed is approx. 24x and the average is 31.49x, total elapsed time is 3:12 for disc creation.

can anyone confirm?

I checked the info on the latest firmware V6S0C and the images in the topic showed CAV...wonder why they would go back to CAV...

any ideas?

i am unsure how to link a pic to this site, so here is the address where the pic can be viewed:


sorry for the hideous site...i will be getting the hang of it shortly!
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Postby Ian on Thu Jan 30, 2003 2:04 pm

That's SMART-Burn in action. It monitors the writing process and if it detects that there are problems with the media you're using, it will slow the recording speed down.
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Postby hrbngr on Thu Jan 30, 2003 2:21 pm

Ian, can you be more specific?

as opposed to the CAV writing style here:


it is using P-CAV which is faster, right?

I thought that ppl were looking for a firmware upgrade that used P-CAV on the Lite-On LTR-52246.
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Postby coolestnitish on Thu Jan 30, 2003 3:22 pm

People are looking for a 24x P-CAV RW not CD-R. I think what you are talking about is CD-R because you got an average of 31.49x.
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Postby hrbngr on Thu Jan 30, 2003 5:57 pm


understand about the 24x P-CAV cd-rw from the previous post.

Here is my question. I purchased two identical LTR-52246 drives with V6S07 firmware. (one serial number 201247004452-PCAV and other 201247004347)

I tested them on the same machine w/a minimal win2000 install and nero

when making a data disk with CD speed, one drive uses P-CAV and one drive uses CAV, never changing...I wish I knew why.

I would really like to figure it out before I flash the firmware to V6S0C firmware--as if I go back to V6S07, it might go back to using CAV only...

does it really matter? :)
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Postby Ian on Thu Jan 30, 2003 6:29 pm

hrbngr wrote:when making a data disk with CD speed, one drive uses P-CAV and one drive uses CAV, never changing...I wish I knew why.

Did you use the same disc?

Like I said in my post above, thats Smart-Burn in action. If the drive wouldn't have slowed the writing speed, it would have used CAV.
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Postby hrbngr on Fri Jan 31, 2003 2:42 am

so if SmartBurn is enable for both Lite-Ons and one does the Data Disk on CD Speed at a slower speed with the same media-TY, does that indicate that there is a problem with the driver that is burning the TY media? the Lite-Ons are the same model and have the same firmware--almost the same serial number.

First, I am going to upgrade the firmware on the unit that burns the TY media slower (P-CAV) to S0C and verify if this makes a difference. also, I will use CD Doctor to view the C1 errors generated while creating the data disks on various media with both firmware versions to see if there is a problem.

Next, I will buy another identical CD-ROM and check to see if it also has problems burning TY media..aren't Lite-Ons supposed to be good w/Taiyo Yuden?

If the 3rd unit burns the TY properly--even with the older firmware, it might be best just to go ahead and return the "defective" unit I guess...

any thoughts?
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