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In House Review - TDK veloCD 52/24/48 CD-RW

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In House Review - TDK veloCD 52/24/48 CD-RW

Postby Ian on Tue Jan 28, 2003 10:10 am

CDRLabs has taken a look at TDK's newest CD-RW, the veloCD 52/24/48. And no, that's not a typo. The drive actually writes faster than it reads. TDK's new veloCD writes at 52x, rewrites at 24x and reads at 48x. The drive also has many of the features we've come to expect from TDK like SMART-Burn buffer underrun protection, SMART-X extraction monitoring technology and support for the Mt. Rainier format. Does TDK have another winner here? Is it the fastest 52x writer around? You'll have to read the review to find out.

ImageTDK veloCD 52/24/48 CD-RW

If you have any comments or questions about this review or the TDK's new writer, please post them in the forum by clicking the link below.
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Postby voltron on Tue Jan 28, 2003 2:15 pm


How's it going? Quick question as I read through this. I noticed that the WSES results show very few errors and what not. Yet CDSpeed shows 66% damaged. Is this due to the fact that they use different disc analysis methods or because the disc scanned with with CDSpeed was one of the ones that the TDK writers has low writing quality with?

Apologies if this isn't worded very clearly.

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Postby cfitz on Tue Jan 28, 2003 2:21 pm

The WSES scans show the quality of fresh, clean discs burned by the TDK, while the CD Speed test with 66% bad sectors shows "how well TDK's new 52x writer can read scratched and dirty discs." In this latter test Ian used a dirty, scratched disc (not even burned by the TDK) that is known to be difficult to read. Ian uses it as a standard disc to compare the reading abilities of different drives as part of his normal testing methodology. You will find that same disc tested on all of the later drives Ian has reviewed.

Last edited by cfitz on Tue Jan 28, 2003 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby voltron on Tue Jan 28, 2003 2:22 pm

Aha, thank you. Was a little why the WSES results were looking nice and the CDSpeed Scandisk was looking a little pathetic.

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Postby Ian on Tue Jan 28, 2003 2:23 pm

Different tests. The disc with 66% "damaged" was a scratched and dirty audio CD.

The WSES tests were discs that the TDK had burned. They were read by another drive anyway, and not the TDK.
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Postby Scour on Tue Jan 28, 2003 6:03 pm


Hm, the writing quality is not so good, i think. Maybe the conclusion don´t say that
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Postby Ian on Tue Jan 28, 2003 6:47 pm

Scour wrote:Hello!

Hm, the writing quality is not so good, i think. Maybe the conclusion don´t say that

Yes and no. The media that had poor results hasn't worked so well with other writers either (Ritek, CMC from TDK & Philips). Overall, the writing quality was pretty good.. if you base it on the WSES results.
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Postby Scour on Tue Jan 28, 2003 7:10 pm


Hm, that´s another question. The WSES-result depends only on the Reading-abilities from the LiteOn-drives. Can this result from the drives of one manufacturer to apply all other drives?
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