We have helped out. Plenty of people have taken the time to reply to your
four essentially identical threads with detailed responses recommending one drive or another and explaining the reasoning for their recommendations. But you apparently don't respect the time and effort those people kindly expended in replying to you, because you continue to ask the same question over and over, ignoring the responses already received and, by implication, denigrating the efforts made by people who were genuinely trying to be helpful. That's not the way to make friends.
Honestly, I don't know what it is you are looking to hear. If I did, I would tell you just to make you happy. But that seems to be impossible. No matter how much we try to help and what we tell you, you keep discarding our advice while at the same time pleading for more. And even after I politely asked you to respect the time of others by not posting the same question over and over, you turn around and start yet another thread with the exact same topic yet again. Unbelievable.