dhc014 wrote:the CRX215A1/E1 is an OEM LTR-48246S and can be converted into a LTR-52246S. Save some money and get that one.
Unclear antecedent - to which drive are you referring when you say "get that one"?
music_lover wrote:Heres my final list for a writer please vote for the one u feel is good
I would get either the Sony or the LiteOn. As noted by vbl117 and dhc014, the Sony and LiteOn are equivalent drives. Thus, the decision between them rests on their prices and bundled software.
If you don't care about the bundled software, then simply get whichever one you can purchase for less money.
If you do care about the bundled software, then you have to factor into the cost of the drive that comes
without your desired software the cost to you (if any) of separately buying the software you do want.
The Sony comes with B's Recorder Gold. The LiteOn comes with Nero. (Both statements assuming you aren't purchasing a bare drive and based upon what ships in America.)