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Problem with "on the fly burning" with LTR 52246S

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Problem with "on the fly burning" with LTR 52246S

Postby taxman150 on Sun Jan 26, 2003 2:18 pm

I got a great deal on the Plextor 482448U external USB 2.0 burner at Best Buy and thought I would demo it and compare it to the LTR 52246S that I have installed in a USB 2.0 enclosure.

I also wanted to try "on the fly" burning as I have never done this before and wanted to see if I could use the LTR to read at 52x and then burn on the Plextor at 40X. However, when I choose the LTR as the source drive in Nero it won't let me select the "on the fly" box as it is grayed out. I actually noticed this to be the case before I bought the Plextor. I am using the latest version of Nero (5.5.10) and it is registered.

However, when I go into Plextools it does allow me to select the LTR as the source drive and burn "on the fly" to the Plextor, which I was able to do.

I'm trying to figure out why this won't work with Nero. I've read the manual and it only says that if you are unable to activate this feature, then the read drive is also the burn drive. However, this is not the case since I have another burner installed so I'm wondering what else it could be. I have checked all of my preferences in Nero and don't see any settings that could be causing this to occur.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
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Postby dhc014 on Sun Jan 26, 2003 4:56 pm

It could possibly be a bug in Nero... Just a question, was there a disc in the Lite-ON when you chose it?
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Postby taxman150 on Sun Jan 26, 2003 5:06 pm

Yes, there was a disc in the drive when I chose it. Also, as I mentioned before this issue occurred even before I installed the Plextor external. I also have a Pioneer DVR-104, so it should have sensed that it was capable of burning on the fly to this drive but this field has always been "grayed out."
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Postby cfitz on Sun Jan 26, 2003 8:07 pm

What did you have selected as the recorder under "Recorder"->"Choose Recorder"? I'll bet you had already selected the LiteOn as the Recorder when you were trying to select it as the source as well. Nero is set up so that a recorder is always selected, and all menu options are tailored to that selected recorder. You don't just select the recorder when you hit the "burn" button.

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Postby KCK on Sun Jan 26, 2003 8:46 pm

Maybe it is irrelevant here, but take a look at

http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php ... adid=62983
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Postby taxman150 on Mon Jan 27, 2003 12:16 am

Thank you both for your responses. I didn't realize that you couldn't choose a new recorder within either the wizard or the regular Nero program. When I did choose a recorder other than the Liteon first and then went back I was able to choose "on the fly" copying with the Liteon.

Thanks again,
CD-RW Thug
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Postby cfitz on Mon Jan 27, 2003 12:54 am

When I first encountered Nero, it seemed a little counter-intuitive to have to choose the recorder first, and then do all the other work required to set up the burn. But I guess it makes sense. There are some parameters you can't set until you know what device you will use for burning.

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