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Hardware Help Needed !

Postby TidusTheCoolest on Tue Jan 21, 2003 1:00 am

My PC suddenly cannot boot up ! When the PC is turned on , the indicator light turned on but there are nothing displayed on the screen . There are also no "beep" sound when the PC turned on . The monitor and the graphics card are fine .

This all started to happen when I use CheckDISK in Windows XP . After it has been completed , I launched No One Live Forever 2 . Then , my PC freezed . I pushed the reset button . After that , nothing displayed .

Is it possible that my motherboard has been damaged ?
What should I do ?
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Postby BuddhaTB on Tue Jan 21, 2003 1:55 am

Here are some suggestions.
Do you hear the hard drive spinning up when you turn on the PC?

Did you check all the power and IDE connections?

Does anything load up, error messages, or is the monitor just black?
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Triple Checked

Postby TidusTheCoolest on Tue Jan 21, 2003 2:31 am

Yes , the I heard the hard drive spinning . I have checked the video card , monitor connection , everything . The screen is still blank . Usually , I will hear a beep when I turn on the PC . this indicated that the BIOS is loading . But this time , I didn't hear any beep . Is the motherboard ruined ?
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Re: Triple Checked

Postby BuddhaTB on Tue Jan 21, 2003 2:39 am

TidusTheCoolest wrote: Is the motherboard ruined ?

Based on what you've told us, I don't think the motherboard is dead. I'm thinking it could be something else that's causing the problem. How long have you had the motherboard for? And have you tried contacting the tech support of the motherboard manufacturer? I'm not really too sure what could be the problem, so just be patient and hopefully someone who knows more about this problem will reply.
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The Motherboard

Postby TidusTheCoolest on Tue Jan 21, 2003 2:54 am

I have the motherboard since I bought the PC sometime in March 2001 . Problems started when I installed Windows XP on my PC .
First , the CD-ROM drive ruined . Sometimes it work , sometimes it didn't . Then , my PC freezed regularly when I launch resource intensive application like games . This problem will be solved after I reset the PC .
But , one day after I run the CheckDISK , I run No One Live Forever 2 , and my PC froze . I hit the reset button and the PC's monitor bacame blank .

My PC spec is :
Pentium 3 866 Mhz
Gigabyte motherboard
256 MB RAM
64 MB GeForce 2 MX 400
10.2 GB Samsung Hard Drive
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Postby hammad on Tue Jan 21, 2003 4:56 am

try to upgrade the motherboard bios if u r sure that the problem lies in the motherboard only if it dont works check ur ide cables .ram,hard disk one by one and makes sure that they r all fine. and first of all ur operating system that it works properly.
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Postby Wayne on Sun Feb 23, 2003 1:02 am

I would give the power supply a once over before you invest in a new MB. That's not that old a system and it sounds like the added stress of a cold reboot may have been the last straw on your power supply. Good luck.
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