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CD-RW TEAC CD-W548E problemms

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CD-RW TEAC CD-W548E problemms

Postby deep on Wed Jan 15, 2003 8:37 am

I've bought my first CD-RW (Teac cd-w548E) and i've detected an important problem in my records. When the device finalice a record, i realised that the end of the CD has errors, allways at the same place, whith two different softwares (Nero in Windows and CDrecord in Linux) and the error were in the same place, at the end on the CD.

Nero don't realised of the error, but CDrecord warned me an input/output error at the end of the record, but when i am extracting the ISO from the CD, the end of the CD is unreachable, because there is an input/output error.

Anybody knows what's happen.

Thanks in advance.
Buffer Underrun
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Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2003 8:21 am

Postby Han on Wed Jan 15, 2003 9:00 am

Does this happen on various CDR disc brands? - Try another media brand, preferably MAM (Mitsui), Fuji, Verbatim, TDK... and burn it at specified speed.
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