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SUV's Help Terrorist Buy Guns

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SUV's Help Terrorist Buy Guns

Postby BuddhaTB on Fri Jan 10, 2003 2:29 am

I heard about this movement on the news this morning called The Detroit Project. Their goal is to mount a citizens' ad campaign aimed at getting people to stop driving SUVs and other gas-guzzling vehicles, because they claim the money spent on buying oil from the middle-east helps support terrorists.
This is my kind of protest. I've never really liked SUV's or big trucks since they have horrible gas mileage and the emissions coming out of them are truely destroying the atmosphere. With so many SUV's around, its really starting to be "uncool" to own one. I feel the U.S. and auto manufacturers need to develop more alternative and renewable energy sources, so we can cut down on oil use.

Down with SUV's and build more sports cars :D

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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Jan 10, 2003 3:24 am

i saw this on TV (yeah, Israeli TV).

boy, is this STUPID!

buying gasoline helps terrorists? really.

if that's the argument, then it doesn't hold water as far as the campagin for fuel efficient cars.
even if i had a car that does 100 miles to the gallon, i'd still be helping terrorists, because i'm still using gas. so it boils down to a quantitative measure, not a qualitative one.
don't want to help terrorists - use cars that run on solar power or electric power! more power to you and good luck finding them too...

when buying gasoline, the money does not go to terrorists - it goes to GOVERNMENTS. yes, FRIENDS of the United States. like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, etc. etc. etc. all of the Arab nations in the Middle East, most of which are (supposedly) on friendly terms with the US, right?

want to go there?
the US has no problem being on friendly terms with these governments, these are NOT democracies, the people have NO or VERY LITTLE civil rights, where some of the most atrocious human rights violations in the world are carried out (that has never stopped the US...), and more rant and more rant ad nauseum...

but yes, some of these governments do support terrorists. yes, why doesn't the US administration add them to the lists of countries supporting terror? (Syria quickly comes to mind...) and take appropriat actions? good question.

so if these governments are legit as far as business goes in the eyes of the US governments, why souldn't they be to me Mr. Joe Shmoe? why shouldn't i give my humble contribution to the Royal House of Saudi Arabia by buying a gallon of gasoline?

and last part of rant:
yeah, SUVs are not enviromently friendly.
neither is the US.
the US is the largest contributor to enviromental pollution in the world. and it's doing precious little about it. if i'm not mistaken, Bush is the one who put on hold the plans to legislate regulations on pollution, no?
anyway, want to do something about it, start with the INDUSTRY, not with the SUVs.
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Postby TheWizard on Fri Jan 10, 2003 3:36 am

It really is a preposterous argument.

You know what else is preposterous? Gasoline prices going up because of the alleged upcoming war in the Middle East. I know all the foreigners on this forum will say Americans love their precious cars and their precious gas, and I agree, sometimes we take it too far. But we are a society that lives on automobiles, and we need gasoline to support them. What pisses me off is why gas prices have to increase so much because of a war. Why doesn't the US shift and get its oil from another source. Heck, we could get it from our own country! Alaska and Texas have oil, but noooooo, that is supposed to be sacred and reserved for an urgent time. What is more urgent than war?
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I'm sick of anti-freedom "movements"

Postby RACHELLUVSMUSIC on Fri Jan 10, 2003 3:50 am

:roll: Gimme a break! SUVs are not evil, if someone wants to drive one, it's their business. The world is not going to run out of oil anytime soon, and there is no such thing as global warming! What is with people who believe every single lie put out there by the left? All these self-righteous libs out there driving old, crappy cars are putting out far worse emissions than a nice, clean, new SUV. Yes, they are too big for parking spaces and a lot of people who drive them act like bullies on the road, but guess what? This is America! We are entitled, as free people, to have the right to drive whatever we want! We invented the automobile! What has any other country ever invented? I mean, the big stuff. Cars? USA. Airplanes? USA. First transcontinental railroad? USA. Walking on the moon? USA. Every amazing piece of technology is ours. And it is not our fault that most of the third world lives under despotic regimes that have no regard for freedom. But incidentally, by toppling Saddam Hussein we will be freeing people of Iraq, because Hussein is a violent socialist.
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Re: I'm sick of anti-freedom "movements"

Postby dodecahedron on Fri Jan 10, 2003 6:25 am

RACHELLUVSMUSIC wrote:We invented the automobile! What has any other country ever invented? I mean, the big stuff. Cars? USA. Airplanes? USA. First transcontinental railroad? USA. Walking on the moon? USA. Every amazing piece of technology is ours.

yeah, very very funny.
go read up a bit on science and history.
car - no, was not invented in America. in Europe. Germany if i'm not mistaken.
first human made satellite - Sputnik, USSR.
come to think of Germany - V2 rockets, before America had their own.
and yes, who built your rockets (the big stuff :lol: ), including the ones that took you to the moon? wasn't it German scientists (cough Nazis cough) smuggled at the end of the war from Germany to the US?

i don't want to come off as anti America, i'm not (i'm American myself and proud of it), and America sure has lots going for it, including inventions, scientific research and achievement, but Every amazing piece of technology is ours? come on...

RACHELLUVSMUSIC wrote:by toppling Saddam Hussein we will be freeing people of Iraq, because Hussein is a violent socialist.

Saddam a Socialist??? LOL very funny. do you know what the word means?
and it's rather amusing to read that the reason for attacking Iraq is to "free the people of Iraq".

RACHELLUVSMUSIC wrote:there is no such thing as global warming!

that's another funny one...
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Postby BuddhaTB on Fri Jan 10, 2003 1:49 pm

RACHELLUVSMUSIC, funny comments in your post. I would recommend you read up on your history and information before post something that is incorrect as dodecahedron as stated in the post above.
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Re: I'm sick of anti-freedom "movements"

Postby TheWizard on Sun Jan 12, 2003 1:38 am

RACHELLUVSMUSIC wrote:Airplanes? USA. Walking on the moon? USA. Every amazing piece of technology is ours.

There is also a debate that the airplane was invented in France before the Wright Brothers came up with their model for an airplane. And as for walking on the moon, if you are referring to 1969 when Neil Armstrong "walked" on the moon, that too is in question. There has been significant scientific evidence going against that original trip to the moon. Although, if it didn't happen in 1969, I'm sure the later trips to the moon were real.
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Re: I'm sick of anti-freedom "movements"

Postby dodecahedron on Sun Jan 12, 2003 7:03 am

TheWizard wrote:And as for walking on the moon, if you are referring to 1969 when Neil Armstrong "walked" on the moon, that too is in question. There has been significant scientific evidence going against that original trip to the moon. Although, if it didn't happen in 1969, I'm sure the later trips to the moon were real.

are you kidding? hadn't heard of that...WOW! :o

can you say, CAPRICORN ONE ??? :o :o :o
(one of my favorite films, by the way...)
Last edited by dodecahedron on Sun Jan 12, 2003 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TheWizard on Sun Jan 12, 2003 10:12 pm

One example of a scientific fact that contradicts the USA landing on the moon in 1969 is the wind. In pictures, there is an American flag planted in the moon's crust and a breeze seems to be blowing the flag. Although, there is no wind on the moon, therefore how could the flag be blowing? I don't recall the astronauts bringing a giant blow dryer to the moon with them.
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Jan 12, 2003 10:32 pm

TheWizard wrote:One example of a scientific fact that contradicts the USA landing on the moon in 1969 is the wind. In pictures, there is an American flag planted in the moon's crust and a breeze seems to be blowing the flag. Although, there is no wind on the moon, therefore how could the flag be blowing? I don't recall the astronauts bringing a giant blow dryer to the moon with them.

sorry, you'll have to do better than that.
flag made of stiff material, they streched it out when they put the flag up.

i can't be sure, but i think i remember once seeing footage of the astronauts actually planting the flagpole in the lunar soil and unrolling the flag, stretching it out so it stands out nice and clear.

i'll be conviced when i see footage in which you actuall see the flag fluttering. can't recall having seen such a thing.
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Postby TheWizard on Sun Jan 12, 2003 10:44 pm

Do some research on the web, you'll find plenty of other scientific evidence contradicting the 1969 landing on the moon.
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Jan 13, 2003 1:30 am

OK, i just might :wink:
anyway this is the first i've heard of it, so i was surprised (very!)
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Postby TheWizard on Mon Jan 13, 2003 1:37 am

At first I didn't believe it either, but after reading opposing views, they started to make sense.
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Jan 13, 2003 1:43 am

talk about a big-time scam.
did you see the film CAPRICORN ONE i mentioned in the previous post?
a great film.
(hehe, bought it on VCR at J&R when was in NYC on my honeymoon. guess couldn't find it here in Israel for any money...)

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Postby TheWizard on Mon Jan 13, 2003 8:24 pm

Haven't seen that film, I'll see if I can find it anywhere. I have a feeling it's rare though. :)
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Postby Mr. Belvedere on Fri Jan 17, 2003 7:33 pm

go watch "Wag The Dog" , then think again if there is even a war going on ..
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Postby Wayne on Tue Feb 11, 2003 10:36 pm

Notice how SUV sales are peaking just as we prepare for an oil-war? Some people never learn: thus history.
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Postby mikeg on Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:50 am

you wouldn't want to shoot an unarmed terrorist would you?
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