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TurboTax Virus monitors CD-RW usage!!!

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TurboTax Virus monitors CD-RW usage!!!

Postby UALOneKPlus on Sat Jan 11, 2003 4:57 pm

I posted this warning in the General Software forum, but thought that this is such an important warning that everyone here MUST read it as well:


Please please take the few minutes to read this warning, and stay away from TurboTax!!!!

:evil: :evil: :o :evil:
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Postby Joker on Sun Jan 12, 2003 2:08 pm

Its not a virus, its spyware. While I detest the hidden installation of spyware, and plan to use a different product this year because of it, when you say that TurboTax installs a virus, which it doesn't, you could open yourself to libel. Companies are all to quick to threaten lawsuits today.

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Postby UALOneKPlus on Tue Jan 14, 2003 1:05 am

Joker wrote:Its not a virus, its spyware. While I detest the hidden installation of spyware, and plan to use a different product this year because of it, when you say that TurboTax installs a virus, which it doesn't, you could open yourself to libel. Companies are all to quick to threaten lawsuits today.


Thanks for the correction. I was calling the spyware virus because to me it is that bad, as it secretly installs itself onto your PC and monitors the various processes on the PC.

I'm sure TurboTax is going to sue me for libel... A lot of goodwill it would generate for TT first of all, and also I'm sure they'll be happy to go through the hassle to collect a few measly dollars. I can also imagine the negative publicity it would generate for TT in terms of restricting speech.
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Postby rodheb on Tue Jan 14, 2003 3:27 pm

Joker wrote:Its not a virus, its spyware. While I detest the hidden installation of spyware, and plan to use a different product this year because of it, when you say that TurboTax installs a virus, which it doesn't, you could open yourself to libel. Companies are all to quick to threaten lawsuits today.


A virus by any other name ...

Trouble is, most folks don't know what "spyware" is or why it shouldn't be installed on your computer, especially by a supposedly reputable company. Heck, I spent a good four hours on Christmas Eve cleaning the spyware off of my parents' computer. They still have no clue what it was or how it got there. For the makers of Turbo Tax to get out into the spotlight via a lawsuit that their product installs spyware would be condemning themselves to bankruptcy. I'm just interested to see if the spyware is still there next year, as I'm sure they heard quite an amount of hubub about it thus far.

Oh well, my two cents.

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