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Mt. Rainier

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Mt. Rainier

Postby Albinoni on Thu Jan 09, 2003 9:05 pm

What is Mt. Rainier and its purpose of it, also is it new to the CD-RW industry. I've noticed that my Liteon 48x24x48x does not support it, though not sure about my BenQ. So I'm interested to know about its purposes and under what circumstances is it used for.
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Postby Ian on Thu Jan 09, 2003 9:16 pm

Wow.. the search engines aren't working for you either? :o

Here's a page on Mt. Rainier:


And yes, the Lite-On 48/24/48 does support it.
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Postby Albinoni on Fri Jan 10, 2003 8:11 am

Ian, many kind thanks for the link to my Mt. Rainier question. Sorry mate, but us Aussies are surely a lazy bunch. I'm sure the info would be on Google or whatever, but just my lazy attitude to get there and do a search.
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