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I am a rookie and in need of help

Postby eric_sermon on Sat Jan 04, 2003 11:30 pm

I read the reviews about a couple cd burners and i also browsed threw this forum and i wanted your advice....
what cd burner would you recommend for me?

all replies appreciated... :D thanks doug 8)
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Postby TCAS on Sat Jan 04, 2003 11:36 pm

Go for Lite-On 52x24x52 Burner.
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Postby eric_sermon on Sat Jan 04, 2003 11:47 pm

Do you have a LiteOn 52x24x52.. As a matter of fact do you have any LiteOn. If so how is your experience with it?...
thanks for the reply. I'll look into LiteOn drives and find out about them a little more
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Postby dhc014 on Sat Jan 04, 2003 11:59 pm

I've got a Lite-ON, well, actually it is a Memorex 48MAXXv2. Many people, including myself, recommend Lite-ONs because they are cheap and fast. Many of them are overclockable as well. You could buy a 48x12x48 drive (as long as it is the LTR-48126S model) and flash it with LTR-52246S firmware to allow it to burn at 52x24x52. A couple of the party poopers here will tell you that there is no need to overclock, so it is up to you whether you would or not. As you can tell from reading the reviews here, there aren't many "bad drives", but there are ones that stand out, but Lite-ON is what I would recommend.
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Postby cfitz on Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:02 am

dhc014 wrote:A couple of the party poopers here will tell you that there is no need to overclock, so it is up to you whether you would or not.

Oh, I'm in the ranks of the party poopers now. :( :cry: :wink: :lol:

For the record, I've never told anyone not to flash his or her drive. I've just said why I haven't bothered.

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Postby eric_sermon on Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:11 am

im not really looking for the cheapest and fastest im looking for quality..
also i read in this forum that 52x is too fast and might break a disc.. is this true or a myth?.
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Postby coolestnitish on Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:30 am

I guess the CDs have broken, but there's a good chance of cds shattering if one uses physically damaged media. There can be other factors to why that would happen, but for the average user no need to worry. One thing about the 52x which isn't really great is the noise. Even my 48x24x48 is sooo loud. But they do burn pretty good quality. The 52x has been reported to have better quality than the 48x12x48.
And dave, very mean comment about the party poopers :cry: I guess you took me in that list too with cfitz?
Atleast tell the guy to overclock a 48x24x48 to a 52x, you're telling him to go from the 48x12x48 to a 52x24x52. Now that's what I call crazy overclocking. lol. :lol:
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Postby dhc014 on Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:36 am

cfitz wrote:
dhc014 wrote:A couple of the party poopers here will tell you that there is no need to overclock, so it is up to you whether you would or not.

Oh, I'm in the ranks of the party poopers now. :( :cry: :wink: :lol:

For the record, I've never told anyone not to flash his or her drive. I've just said why I haven't bothered.


coolestnitish wrote:And dave, very mean comment about the party poopers :cry: I guess you took me in that list too with cfitz?
Atleast tell the guy to overclock a 48x24x48 to a 52x, you're telling him to go from the 48x12x48 to a 52x24x52. Now that's what I call crazy overclocking. lol. :lol:

Hey now guys! I wasn't being mean at all, and I didn't say that people told othersnot to overclock, I just said that some people do not agree with overclocking. I was conveying both sides to him and letting him decide! I can't belive you would think that I would put any of you down! :oops:

P.S. It is possible to overclock the LTR-48126S, as well as the LTR-48246S to the LTR-52246S
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Postby coolestnitish on Sun Jan 05, 2003 1:00 am

lol, I was just joking. I know the 48x12x48 can be overclocked to the 52x. It's interesting as they both have different hardware and different chipsets. Do you think that'd be too much for the drive in the long run, and create problems?
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Postby cfitz on Sun Jan 05, 2003 1:05 am

dhc014 wrote:Hey now guys! I wasn't being mean at all, and I didn't say that people told othersnot to overclock, I just said that some people do not agree with overclocking. I was conveying both sides to him and letting him decide! I can't belive you would think that I would put any of you down! :oops:

I can't speak for coolestnitish, but I was just joking with you Dave. That's why I appended the wink and lol smileys! So, don't worry about me, having been mean to me, or having hurt my feelings. You didn't even come close! :D

As for conveying both sides, I agree with you that that is the thing to do. That is why I added my comment about "for the record...". I just wanted to make sure that anyone seeing my personal lack of enthusiasm for overclocking my own drive didn't take that to mean that I was making a blanket recommendation against overclocking. To each his own...

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Postby eric_sermon on Sun Jan 05, 2003 1:10 am

im confused.
does overclocking have any affect on the quality of the burns?. For example if i bought a 48x12x48 and flashed it to a 52x24x52. it would be the same as buying a 52x?
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Postby dhc014 on Sun Jan 05, 2003 1:17 am

phew! I thought you all were going to chase me out of here with a stick! I think that my sense of humor is kind of warped right now...

eric_sermon wrote:im confused.
does overclocking have any affect on the quality of the burns?. For example if i bought a 48x12x48 and flashed it to a 52x24x52. it would be the same as buying a 52x?

Having an overclocked drive does not necessarily mean that it will produce poor quality burns. Burning at 52x on any drive with shaky media is always risky. As far as anyone knows so far, the hardware used in the LTR-****6S drives is the same.

There are currently 3 different 48x12x48 Lite-ON burners; LTR-48125S, LTR-48125W, & LTR-48126S. Only the can be "overclocked".
Last edited by dhc014 on Sun Jan 05, 2003 4:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby eric_sermon on Sun Jan 05, 2003 1:39 am

what about other things besides speed issues?
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Postby TheWizard on Sun Jan 05, 2003 4:22 am

eric_sermon wrote:im not really looking for the cheapest and fastest im looking for quality.

Low in cost, high in quality = LG, Lite-On
High in cost, high in quality = Yamaha, Plextor, Teac
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Postby eric_sermon on Sun Jan 05, 2003 1:12 pm

Out of these 5 which should I buy?.
LG, Lite-On, Yamaha, Plextor, Teac
I don't really care about the price, I just want the best.
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Postby BuddhaTB on Sun Jan 05, 2003 2:00 pm

eric_sermon wrote:Out of these 5 which should I buy?.
LG, Lite-On, Yamaha, Plextor, Teac
I don't really care about the price, I just want the best.

I would go for the Lite-On without a doubt. Either their 48x or 52x are very good drives. In addition, if you live in the United States, there are two very hot deals going on for drives based on the Lite-On LTR-48246S.

1. CompUSA has an in-store special of a TDK 48x24x48 CD-RW drive for $39.99 After In-Store Savings and a TDK Mail-In Rebate.
Hot Deal Came Be Found Here
Review of the TDK Drive Can Be Found Here
Uses TDK Firmware instead of Lite-On Firmware.

2. Office Depot has the Sony 48x24x48 for $39.84 after 2 mail-in rebates.
Hot Deal Can Be Found Here
This drive is essentially the same drive as the TDK 48x, but uses Sony firmware instead. If you read the review for the TDK 48x24x48 CD-RW, you have both the TDK and Sony drive covered in terms of drive capabilities and performance.
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Postby TheWizard on Mon Jan 06, 2003 6:04 am

eric_sermon wrote:Out of these 5 which should I buy?.
LG, Lite-On, Yamaha, Plextor, Teac
I don't really care about the price, I just want the best.

I'm sure you would be very happy with either of these drives. Although, if you want the very best, then look toward Yamaha, Plextor or Teac. All of them scored a perfect 10 out of 10 in their respective reviews on this site. If you haven't yet, I suggest reading some of the Reviews.
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Postby eric_sermon on Mon Jan 06, 2003 11:00 am

I read the reviews. I just rather hear it from you all :wink:
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