I have the forementioned CD-RW drive (Memorex 52MAXX) and have never been able to break the 16X barrier with several 52X,48X, 40X, and 32X media including the 52X multispeed CD-R the drive came packaged with.
I am running Windows XP Pro with SP1 ( recently upgraded to try to solve this problem ) and have flashed my drive with the lite-on 6S08 firmware to attempt to see if this would fix my drive and/or problem. Windows XP states that on the secondary IDE slot it is using Ultra DMA mode 2 on Device 0 and Multi-Word DMA mode 2 on Device 1. A Pioneer DVD-Rom is Device 0 and my CD-RW is Device 1. Both Have the setting "DMA if available" selected.
I have tried 2 different pieces of software - Nero (CDSpeed and Burning Rom software with latest update) and Roxio Easy CD Creator (Latest Version).

I have tried making the drive the only device on the secendary IDE channel as a master to no avail as well. This drive sometimes actually starts at 21X in Nero CDSpeed but then I hear it slow down and it registers a constant 16X.

Hopefully I overlooked something very simple and someone will tell me how stupid I was to ask such a question and I will have to hang my head in shame.

Thanks for the replies ahead of time.