I want a new cd-rw because my old one is, well old

These are the ones I consider
Plextor PX-W4824TA
Yamaha CRW F1
Sony CRX210A1
I've read reviews, here and elsewhere, on these drives but I still have a couple of questions.
The Sony is cheaper but only has a 2MB buffer and no mt.rainier support. I am not so worried about the latter, but is 2MB buffer sufficient? My system is quite fast (XP1800+, WDBJ120 HDD), No worries there, but I still want to be able to do other stuff while burning without buffer-underun protection kicking in.
I am also conserned about what seems a lack of support from sony, as I can find no information on sonystorage.com for this drive.
The Yamaha drive sounds real good. But my worries here goes to the relative long access time. Does this really matters, if so, in what way? Is it just a matter of waiting 2 sec more before the autorun pops up, or is it 5 sec? 10? Also the T@O bit is not really usefull, it just drags the price up.
The Plextor drive is sort of in between with it's 4 MB buffer. A friend of mine owns a older plextor, and the spin-up time on this is actually quite long, even when just reading CDs. In fact, he cannot play red alert in LAN because the spinup time is so long that the game times out when trying to access the CD. Is the long spin up time a fact also with the newer Plextors?
Hope anyone can enlighten me a bit.