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Postby dirtyjncoz on Fri Dec 27, 2002 3:50 pm

Does anyone know any places where they can be purchased? I know its kind of a tall order, but I'm in a metal band and we are trying to release a demo that has an all black case. thankyou for any help.
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Postby cfitz on Sun Dec 29, 2002 11:15 pm

Would this be any good?


I found it at:

http://shop.store.yahoo.com/cdrdvdrmedi ... sblac.html

and here:


I've never shopped either (I suspect they are the same company), but you might want to investigate them if it looks like the jewel cases are what you want.

Here is a place from which I have purchased before with good results, and can recommend:


It doesn't have a picture, but does say they are black and has others listed, in contrast, as "clear", so it might be all black. I would call them and ask first to verify that it is completely black.

What's your band's web site (if you have one)?

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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Dec 30, 2002 1:04 am

well well well...cfitz is back along with his enormous well of knowledge... :wink:
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Postby cfitz on Mon Dec 30, 2002 2:24 am

dodecahedron wrote:well well well...cfitz is back along with his enormous well of knowledge... :wink:

Hey! Isn't a guy allowed to take a break now and then?? :( :wink:

Anyway, back to dirtyjncoz's question: If you are a metal band, how about distributing your demos in real metal cases? I don't know your budget and they are rather expensive ($1.50 each), but they might have some extra impact:


Buy them here (they will emboss or silk screen them for you at extra cost):
http://www.effectuality.com/Unprinted_P ... _tin.shtml

Clamshell cases seem to be easy to buy in black:


Buy them here (among other places):
http://www.effectuality.com/Unprinted_P ... hell.shtml

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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Dec 31, 2002 1:49 am

what did i say? he know's everything... 8)
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Postby BuddhaTB on Tue Dec 31, 2002 2:43 am

dodecahedron wrote:what did i say? he know's everything... 8)

I agree. I nominate cfitz for 2002 Helper Of The Year. :D
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Postby cfitz on Tue Dec 31, 2002 3:12 am

All right guys, cut it out. I really do appreciate your kind words, but I think you are bending the needle on the exaggerometer here... :wink:

Anyway, I am but one contributor among many on this forum. So let's give a general thanks to all those who have kindly given of their time this past year to share their expertise with others. Good work, all!

And as for dodecahedron and BuddhaTB, thanks to you not only for the general help you give, but also specifically for your tireless efforts to direct readers to resources within the forums, dodecahedron, and to notify us about hot deals, BuddhaTB.

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Postby Kennyshin on Tue Dec 31, 2002 4:55 am

Hey, you three guys all joined this forum around the same time with me and you all already have over or nearly 1,000 points. I'll soon join! :D
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Postby cfitz on Tue Dec 31, 2002 5:18 am

Kennyshin wrote:Hey, you three guys all joined this forum around the same time with me and you all already have over or nearly 1,000 points. I'll soon join! :D

Looking forward to it! My singling out of dodecahedron and BuddhaTB for thanks was not meant to slight anyone else. I named them specifically because they both singled out me. :) But rest assured that I appreciate your contributions and the contributions of everyone else who puts in an honest effort to share the wealth.

I wonder if dirtyjncoz ever came back to read this thread? If so, he is probably scratching his head at the (good natured) hijacking that has taken place here. :D

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Postby TheWizard on Tue Dec 31, 2002 11:18 pm

cfitz wrote:Would this be any good?

I found it at:

http://shop.store.yahoo.com/cdrdvdrmedi ... sblac.html

and here:


I've never shopped either (I suspect they are the same company), but you might want to investigate them if it looks like the jewel cases are what you want.

I've ordered from Meritline before and they were A-OK in my eyes: smooth transaction, speedy delivery, and good customer service. And yes, Meritline and CDrDVDrMedia are one and the same.
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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Jan 01, 2003 1:25 am

Kennyshin wrote:Hey, you three guys all joined this forum around the same time with me and you all already have over or nearly 1,000 points. I'll soon join! :D

this is more or less the only forum that i read regularly.
i'm betting if you were to add up the number of posts you posted on ALL forums it would be of the order of 10,000 ... at least ... :P
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Postby Kennyshin on Wed Jan 01, 2003 3:40 am

dodecahedron wrote:
Kennyshin wrote:Hey, you three guys all joined this forum around the same time with me and you all already have over or nearly 1,000 points. I'll soon join! :D

this is more or less the only forum that i read regularly.
i'm betting if you were to add up the number of posts you posted on ALL forums it would be of the order of 10,000 ... at least ... :P

Since you didn't specify in which language, better make it 100K (in a year). What I post in English-language forums are negligible in terms of number of posts. Just two years ago, I was not aware that there were so many web forums (I mean outside South Korea) accessible to other nationals just with the emails. In South Korea, we have to register with all important personal information (address, home and mobile phone numbers, Citizen's Registration Number which is quite different from the US Social Securty thing, etc.) and the forums generally operate in both online and offline (as usually over half of the participating members live in and close to Seoul and what else can you do in a culture that really discourages you from anything other than work and study?) :D
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Postby cfitz on Wed Jan 01, 2003 12:26 pm

Kennyshin wrote:Since you didn't specify in which language, better make it 100K (in a year).

Wow! That is prolific! :o How do you find time to do it all, even if the only alternatives are work and study? I'm not sure I could read 100,000 posts in a year, let alone write them. My fingers would be worn out for sure...

Are all your other posts, including those in your native tongue, DVD/CD/computer related, or do you post about other topics too?

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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Jan 01, 2003 2:41 pm

Kennyshin wrote:Since you didn't specify in which language, better make it 100K (in a year). What I post in English-language forums are negligible in terms of number of posts.

well, truth be told, i rather suspected that 10K was on the short side, but i didn't know by how much.
it appears i missed by an order of magnitude...well well... :wink:
like cfitz said, prolific! 8)
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Postby cfitz on Wed Jan 01, 2003 2:46 pm

And speaking of joining the 1000 club (at CDRLabs, anyway), congratulations dodecahedron on that last post, as it was your 1000'th!!

I'm looking forward to your next 1000. :D

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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Jan 01, 2003 3:14 pm

cfitz wrote:And speaking of joining the 1000 club (at CDRLabs, anyway), congratulations dodecahedron on that last post, as it was your 1000'th!!

I'm looking forward to your next 1000. :D


hey, yeah, i only just noticed! you saw that before me, pal! :D

well, another 1000...that will take some doing... :wink:
i wonder when i'll reach Kennyshin's 100K :o :P
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Postby cfitz on Wed Jan 01, 2003 3:21 pm

dodecahedron wrote:i wonder when i'll reach Kennyshin's 100K :o :P

If you start typing now and don't stop til next New Year, then maybe you can catch him... :D

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Postby Kennyshin on Wed Jan 01, 2003 6:39 pm

cfitz wrote:
Kennyshin wrote:Since you didn't specify in which language, better make it 100K (in a year).

Are all your other posts, including those in your native tongue, DVD/CD/computer related, or do you post about other topics too?


Yep to both. I talked a lot about politics, sex, relationship, education, how to learn English, animation, how to run a forum, future, computers, nationalism, communism, philosophy, etc. I only recently joined some English-language forums and the only language I could write other than English fluently enough has been Hangul. It's true that I've been over 1,000 forums as well. Naturally I had the highest post count in many of them.

How much time did I have to spend to post all those things? No idea but I really wish I read books instead of posting those things online. :D
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Postby cfitz on Wed Jan 01, 2003 8:47 pm

Kennyshin wrote:Yep to both. I talked a lot about politics, sex, relationship, education, how to learn English, animation, how to run a forum, future, computers, nationalism, communism, philosophy, etc. I only recently joined some English-language forums and the only language I could write other than English fluently enough has been Hangul. It's true that I've been over 1,000 forums as well. Naturally I had the highest post count in many of them.

Sounds interesting. I wish I could read Hangul so I could read your views on some of these other topics as well.

Kennyshin wrote:How much time did I have to spend to post all those things? No idea but I really wish I read books instead of posting those things online. :D

Let's just hope the North and some of your fellow citizens of the South don't have their way, or you might end up not able to either post online or read books. :(

Anyway, although we would miss out on some of your informative posts, if you really do wish to cut back and spend your time on some other activities, maybe you should take advantage of the New Year to resolve to read more and post less. :wink: I don't know whether the Gregorian calendar or Chinese calendar is more important to Koreans in regard to celebrating the New Year, and I don't know whether New Year's resolutions are a Korean tradition, but you are multi-cultural enough to take advantage of this opportunity. :)

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Postby Kennyshin on Thu Jan 02, 2003 7:21 am

Anyway, although we would miss out on some of your informative posts, if you really do wish to cut back and spend your time on some other activities, maybe you should take advantage of the New Year to resolve to read more and post less. I don't know whether the Gregorian calendar or Chinese calendar is more important to Koreans in regard to celebrating the New Year, and I don't know whether New Year's resolutions are a Korean tradition, but you are multi-cultural enough to take advantage of this opportunity.

(Already going far off-topic...)

Yep, I'm multi-cultural enough to have three birthdays every year. One thing I resent strongly about Koreans is that they spend so little time on reading books compared to the citizens of the US and Japan (as well as most Europeans) in an age when knowledge is becoming more and more source of power and prosperity. Thanks for the encouragement (not that I'm gonna post any less than before.) :D

Sounds interesting. I wish I could read Hangul so I could read your views on some of these other topics as well.

I've been radical enough to propose South Korea to adopt English as one of the two or three official languages (only Korean for now, English and/or Japanese additionally) in public. I am so glad that the Internet is becoming a place for more people of every nationality and class to share ideas and knowledge.

Officially, South Korea adopted Gregorian calendar system long ago. Culturally, most South Koreans still use Chinese calendar system for some things like birthday and New Year's Day. South Korea is more Chinese, Confucian, nationalistic and conservative than the rest of East Asia though it's moving ahead of China and North Korea due to recent economic prosperity and democracy.

There were many factors for me to become so involved in such various controversial and often dangerous topics. I was in school from 1980 to 1989. In 1980, some thousands of citizens were massacred in Kwangju I lived in. In 1989, some thousands of teachers were fired nationwide and especially in Kwangju. That was when I decided to quit high school (first year). I had a serious fight with one of my closest friends then. He called me Yankee. Later, he became Chonam National University's chairman of student council. The largest and most violent military anti-government activist group in South Korea, feared by the specialized 100,000 police troops. Personally, there was not much hope to live on for me in those times. Agony and despair dominated daily lives, not to mention poverty, disease, hunger, oppression, isolation, and uncertainty. The easiest time for me was during the days in the ROK Army even though we were beaten several times every day as it allowed less time to think and feel. So I'm living another life, maybe third or fourth one. :D
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