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Problem with LG GCE-8481B

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Problem with LG GCE-8481B

Postby inrage on Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:57 pm

Hey, I just picked up this burner on boxing day to replace my other LG burner (which was a 24X). I'm not sure if the problem I'm having is serious so I'm posting here.

Whenever I burn a CD (audio or data) I get circles on the burnt side of the CD. Sort of like the lines on a record (they go around the whole disk). I used the old CDs (Cursors) and lowered the speed to 24x but I still get it. The audio CD I made skips like crazy in my stereo but worked perfectly in my friend's car (however, all the CDs in my stereo are CD-R). I'm not sure if this is a real problem that I should go return/exchange the drive for, or if it makes no difference. It's hard to explain so I'd like to post a picture I took with my webcam, but I'm not quite sure how. I can't insert it in the Img because I don't know how to post it to a webpage. If anyone wants to help me out I can email the picture, again I'm not sure if I'm going crazy or if my drive is actually messed up. Thanks.[/img]
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Postby Burn2death on Sun Dec 29, 2002 6:46 pm

I just bought the some drive on boxing day also, I didn't get the problem that you mention but how ever I do have a little problem, my drive only read at 40x, not 48x like it said on the box and on their website, I did some tests and used more than one programs to see what speed it reads at, but it still shows 40x read, I'm thinking of returning it my self since you and I both have a problem with it, perhaps this could mean that they are cutting corns and don't pay too much attention to quality.
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Postby Ian on Sun Dec 29, 2002 7:19 pm

Burn2death what type of media are you trying to read? It will only read pressed data CD's (mode 1) at 48x.
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Postby Burn2death on Sun Dec 29, 2002 8:11 pm

Ian wrote:
Burn2death what type of media are you trying to read? It will only read pressed data CD's (mode 1) at 48x.

I used CDR, date cd, the same CD that my liteon DVD-166s reads at 48x, but that doesn't matter because Nero Info tool, and Easy CD creator indicates that my LG 8481b max read speed is 40x, do you know about this Ian?
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Postby Ian on Sun Dec 29, 2002 8:24 pm

The drive does not read CD-R discs at 48x. It reads them at 40x.

Pop a pressed data CD in there and the drive will probably read it at 48x.
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Postby Burn2death on Sun Dec 29, 2002 8:52 pm

Pressed or no pressed, no luck Ian, it only reads only at 40x, if it can read at 48x Nero InfoTool would have said 48x, like with the Nero InfoTool screen shot of the LG 8480b (48x16x48) from your review, but on my Nero InfoTool it saids 40x read, 48 write.
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Postby Burn2death on Sun Dec 29, 2002 9:21 pm

Ian you are right it does read pressed CD at 48x, I feel pretty stupid right now, thanks Ian for for saving me a trip to the store, :oops:
The LG 8481B is a great drive everybody go out and buy one, buy 2 or 3, one for your self, one for your uncle and one for you grandma. :D
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no one's had this problem?

Postby inrage on Mon Dec 30, 2002 1:00 am

So none of you have encountered the problem I'm having with the discs? Look carefully at the bottom of your CD-R (only at 24x +) I'm gonna go in tomorrow to exchange it.

- Ok I just got back from exchanging it and I've burnt my first CD at 24x and no rings on the bottom, I guess my first one was defective.
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Postby Omletteboy on Mon Dec 30, 2002 2:50 pm

I also got this drive on boxing day, very nice and I had no issues with it at all.
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Uh Oh

Postby inrage on Tue Dec 31, 2002 9:46 pm

So the first data CD was fine, I burnt a 24x audio CD and there are huge rings on the bottom, one big one about a CD wide, then a whole bunch of small ones. The CDs I use are certified to 48x.

Since my other burner handled all this fine, I think this LG burner is of lower quality, but I can't return it because I already cut up the box to send in for the mail in rebate.

I'm using Nero v 5.5.10 and Mistumi CD-R. My computers a P4, 1.6, 512 DDR 333 ram and 100gig drive.

Anyone know what might be causing it? Could there be some settings to fix? Please let me know, thanks.
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Postby Burn2death on Thu Jan 02, 2003 8:50 pm

I have not done any burns at 24x yet and so far I have not had any problems with it yet but I will try to burn a test audio CD and see if I get the same problem as you did, so maybe if you can tell me the exact details on how you burnt you CD that cause the problem and I will try the same.
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Postby inrage on Sat Jan 04, 2003 2:53 am

I used Nero 5.5.10

I can't think of any other significant settings. The audio files I'm using are Mp3s.
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Postby Burn2death on Sat Jan 04, 2003 3:19 am

So you say that data CDs are fine but audio CDs have rings right?
the CDs you are using are they blue (long strategy, cyanine,Azo) or light yellow (short strategy, phthalocyanine) type of CDs?
and are the rings more noticeable as the speed increases over 24x or is it the same between 24x-48x?
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Postby inrage on Sat Jan 04, 2003 3:41 pm

Hey first of all I want to apologize about making that second post, I couldn't find my first one and didn't think anyone was reading it so I started that second one to focus on the audio problem.

Ok, first of all there is a noticeable difference between burning at 16x and 24x (it won't let me burn any higher than that), but as I've mentioned with my first drive 24x doesn't produce any problems.

The CDs I'm using have light blue bottoms, I dont know much more technically than that :-p

And yes, this only seems to happen with audio CDs.
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Postby shortflipboy on Tue Jan 28, 2003 10:23 pm

I asked a friend to burn me a data cd using a 24x CD media which i gave him, on this 40 x LG drive, he was able to burn at 40x.

i come home, i try burning a data cd using the 24x cd media, but im only able to burn at 24x.. Why cant i burn at maximum speep while the 40x can??

we both used Nero to burn the cds

Please help
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Re: Problem....

Postby cfitz on Tue Jan 28, 2003 10:31 pm

shortflipboy wrote:we both used Nero to burn the cds

But did you both use the same drive to burn the CDs? It is the drive and its firmware that determines how fast you can burn the disc (based on the capabilities of the disc itself, of course).

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Postby shortflipboy on Wed Jan 29, 2003 10:00 am

He had a 40x LG drive and ihave a 48x LG drive
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How do you fix it??

Postby Janal on Tue Feb 11, 2003 11:31 am

Hello.. how do you do for fix it? Can you save more than 24? I have the same problem: lg GCE 8481b and audio-cd... more than this speed Buffer (in the middle of the saving) desinflates ...
An Nero Tool Info.. says that only can read at 40 (¿?) but save at 48x ...
Would firmware fix it?
Thanks for your attention
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