also i wanted something thats buffer is over 4mb and can do CD+G, C2 Errors, Video CD, CD Text, CD-R, CD-RW, Mount Rainier, BufferUnderrun Protection. and faster than 40x
Please read over the reviews and look through other threads before posting such a question as this. By reading the reviews, it will answer most of the questions regarding drive performance and features. Ian does an excellent job when he reviews a drive. Only LG, Samsung, Plextor, and Yamaha use buffers over 4MB.
LG: 2MB (changed from 8MB to 2MB with most of their recent drives and has no plan to increase it back.)
Samsung: 8MB (there will be more drives with 8MB this year.)
BuddhaTB wrote:Only LG, Samsung, Plextor, and Yamaha use buffers over 4MB.
I don't think LG uses a 4MB buffer in burners faster than 40x. Why do you want such a large buffer? Unless you have a really slow system, a 2mb buffer should be fine.
Never in this world can hatred be stilled by hatred; it will be stilled only by non-hatred - this is the law Eternal.
quite slow, but I think what he was asking was for some hard specifications. For example, processor type and speed, total RAM installed, operating system being used, hard disk size and speed, etc. The sorts of things showing in his signature.