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CDRW hardware and media prices in India

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CDRW hardware and media prices in India

Postby Bhairav on Tue Dec 24, 2002 3:23 am

I thought that since I live close to Lamington Road in Bombay, which is pretty much the best place to buy computer hardware here, I would put up some prices of CDRW hardware and media.
Sony 40*12*48 (OEM Lite-On 40125S/W) is about 3700 rupees
Sony 48*12*48 (OEM Lite-On 48126S) is about 4300-4400 rupees.
This can be flashed with Sony 48*24*48 or newer Lite-On (48126S,48246S and 52246S) firmwares.

Asus CRW4012A is about 3900
Asus CRW4816A is about 4700-4900

Lite-On original 40125S/W 3500-3700
Lite-On original 48125S/W 4000-4200

( I haven't seen the newer 6 series drives here yet, so if anyone has, please post!)

Benq 40/12/48 ( :evil: ) 3200!

Aopen 48*12*50 is around 4000

MSI Dragonwriters are also available, ask around for their cost.

Samsung 40X Premium (Ritek) ->12-15 rupees a piece, if you buy =>20
Mitsubishi Super AZO 24 rupees per piece (only seen them at Cassette World)
Princo 48X 12-13 rupees per piece.
Frontech 40X same price as above

I'll keep adding stuff to this post.
If all you Indians on the forum find anything more, please post!
Mods, I hope that this is all right, ie posting Indian prices here.
Q6600@3.1Ghz | Asus P5Q-E | 4GB DDR2-800 | 8800GT | 4TB HDD | Viewsonic vx2025wm
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Postby BuddhaTB on Sun Dec 29, 2002 12:34 am

For those of us in the United States who might be curious about the currency conversion, $1 USD = About 48 Rupees.

Sony 40*12*48 (OEM Lite-On 40125S/W) is about 3700 rupees = $77
Sony 48*12*48 (OEM Lite-On 48126S) is about 4300-4400 rupees = $90-92
Asus CRW4012A is about 3900 = $81
Asus CRW4816A is about 4700-4900 = $98-102
Lite-On original 40125S/W 3500-3700 = $73-77
Lite-On original 48125S/W 4000-4200 = $83-88
Benq 40/12/48 3200 = $67
Aopen 48*12*50 is around 4000 = $83
Samsung 40X Premium (Ritek) ->12-15 rupees a piece, if you buy =>20 ($.25-.31)
Mitsubishi Super AZO 24 rupees per piece ($.50)
Princo 48X 12-13 rupees per piece. ($.25-.27)
Frontech 40X same price as above
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Postby Bhairav on Sat Jan 04, 2003 7:26 am

Thanks BuddhaTB, I guess I should have thought about the US$ to INrupee conversion.
What do you guys think about these prices? A bit on the high side?
Q6600@3.1Ghz | Asus P5Q-E | 4GB DDR2-800 | 8800GT | 4TB HDD | Viewsonic vx2025wm
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Postby TheWizard on Sat Jan 04, 2003 8:09 pm

The prices are a shade high, but really not that bad. 25 cents for a blank disc is OK, especially considering there are no rebates. Compared to other countries, the price on blank CD's in India is dirt cheap. Try talking to dodecahedron and asking him how much blank CD's are in Israel. :)
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Jan 05, 2003 1:40 am

TheWizard wrote:The prices are a shade high, but really not that bad. 25 cents for a blank disc is OK, especially considering there are no rebates. Compared to other countries, the price on blank CD's in India is dirt cheap. Try talking to dodecahedron and asking him how much blank CD's are in Israel. :)

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Postby Bhairav on Sun Jan 05, 2003 4:04 am

Damn. That bad eh Dodecahedron? Well, you can always come to India ....... :D
Q6600@3.1Ghz | Asus P5Q-E | 4GB DDR2-800 | 8800GT | 4TB HDD | Viewsonic vx2025wm
Xonar DX | Pioneer DVR-212 | Pioneer 111L | Benq 1655
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