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HELP!! Lite-On LTR-52246S w/ Oxford 911 FireWire Case

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HELP!! Lite-On LTR-52246S w/ Oxford 911 FireWire Case

Postby muzicman82 on Thu Dec 26, 2002 6:01 pm

Here's the deal...

I have a FireWire case that I had my old 12X burner in. I just bought
a 52x24x52 Lite-On Burner to replace the 12X. I hooked it up, and I
get the same problem many other users have, where the LED stays lit
and the drive won't eject or be detected.

I went over to www.caloptic.com and got the Oxford Firmware Update
Utility and made the suggested configuration change, to allow for
unstandard signatured devices. For a moment I thought it worked, but
then it stopped working. What happens is, when the update utility
starts, the drive will then work... but not without starting the
problem first.

Then I tried to enable the 6s pause.. Now, I can't even edit the
device configuration or upload a new firmware or anything.

The FireWire Bridge in my case says "Wise Advanced Co., LTD." in
Windows XP when it DID work, so I assume they make the bridge. It is
an Oxford 911 Chipset, and it is only FireWire, no USB 2.0 or

Is there anyway I can clear the firmware and load new? Anything else I
can try??

Have any of you found a FireWire bridge that works with this (or
other) Lite-On burners?? I really really don't want to give up the
drive, because I have faith it CAN work. I am willing to replace the
FireWire bridge with something that will work better. Any places to
find cheap bridges or enclosures would be a great start. I got this
case for $50, and would like to keep to about that price. I don't know
why prices went UP in just a year, but whatever...

ANY info will help...


Buffer Underrun
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Postby minchin on Fri Dec 27, 2002 12:35 pm

I was one of those who had the same problem. Following M17's suggestions and the links he posted, I got the updater and got it to work.
One thing I hope you did when you updated the device was to power down the box immediately after the flash. I think M17 mentioned that it is very important. I followed his advice.

The name of the device that it appear under XP is not really relavent as many manufacturer uses the Oxford 911 chipset. If the flash program recognize it as 911 (I think if you go into the Modify settings, Advance options section, don't have the program in front of me, but I will check tonight), then it is a 911. Manufacturer often put in their own name in the ID string. The Flasher program will recognize the chip.

I am sure I enabled the 6s wait, id none standard device. I also disabled UDMA 3,4,5 etc, only leave UDMA 1 and 2.

If you find the post that M17 had posted, the software package that he gave has a forced upload proggy that should be able to force the firmware into the bridge. However, I have not used it and don't know if it will work. If the flasher can still recognize the bridge, I would suggest you don't force flash, just try modify the settings. I will check all my settings and let you know. It seems that the package you find on Caloptic is older version of the flasher.

I am using a Compucable FireXpress 525 box with Oxford911 bridge with the Liteon 52246s.

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Postby muzicman82 on Fri Dec 27, 2002 5:30 pm

I posted the same stuff over at CDRInfo... I forgot to update this one... Thanx for the help though...

Hey guys... I found a solution... Hope this info helps some of you.... It took many long and hard hours to come up with this but I finally got it.

My FireWire Bridge was made by Wise Advanced Co., LTD. However, somewhere along the line I corrupted the firmware or settings so that I couldn't modify the configuration anymore. No drives were being detected.

I copied the firmware and base rom for the Oxford 911 Chip to the FW9 folder of the firmware update utility that is available at www.caloptic.com. I ran the production.bat. I got a message saying that force flash wasn't successful, but everything else "appeared" to work.

I was then able to load the default firmware in the package to the bridge. I then had to edit the configuration for unstandard signatures and for UDMA modes. Now, it works perfectly with the Lite-On LTR-52246S (52x24x52x) burner. Also, the firewire bridge shows up as being made by Oxford Semiconductors, not Wise Advanced. Pretty cool huh?

I tried the force flash thing, thinking that was what I had to do. Shorting Pin 57 is very tricky, so much that I don't think I ever got it... just running the production.bat file may work.

Let me know if any of you have trouble or have the same problem....
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2002 4:25 am

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