BuddhaTB wrote:Best Buy gets my vote for all the Fuji CD's they have on sale almost every week. Also Best Buy does a nice job of printing out the rebates for you too.
I agree here, I had to wait 5 minutes at Fry's for the sales clerk to dig through a file cabinet to find the right rebate coupon for me.
Best Buy stores are all over the place here in the USA (I do hope they build more in Canada), and they always seem to have something I'm interested on sale each week. A big selection and they advertise more often than the other stores. (My mother calls BB "Toys R Us for Adults"
My only gripe about ALL the stores listed on this poll is the dumb, uneducated, misinformed, or "just say anything to make a sale" salespeople these stores hire. Some of these people would be better off (still) working at McDonalds.
I was at Office Max yesterday and I was constantly hounded by 4 different salespeople while I was looking for the on-sale Cendyne 48x12x48x drive with a Lite-On drive inside (didnt find one). They looked at me like a potental shoplifter as I was looking at the back of the boxes.
I wanted to tell them to "F--- off and let me shop, dammit!"