Well, apart from the replies you have got, I have another suggestion for you. There is no need to panic if your drive's specs are different. It's still a burner and it will burn
. It's definately not a mistake by LiteOn to get specs like that so it is common sense that some other manufacturer made the drive. Then, just go to the sites of all the manufacturers which make burners, trust me it doesn't take more than 10 mins. And that way without anyone helping you, you can learn that your drive is made by AOpen. From experience, one always gets more satisfaction by solving a problem themselves rather than being helped, but again help is always available. And don't get mad at some of the replies you got. People around here aren't the way they would sound to you.
I guess it was one of those threads where there was nothing better to write other than the way you tried to get everyone's attraction. lol.
From the next time, describe your problem in the subject so that you won't get such replies.