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P-CAV (Asus 4816A) or CAV (Sony CRX-215A1)

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P-CAV (Asus 4816A) or CAV (Sony CRX-215A1)

Postby erezs on Mon Dec 23, 2002 3:07 am

Hi all,
Could anyone tell me whats the different between P-CAV and CAV?
Which one is better??? which one loads the processor more?? which one
produce better burning quality??

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Re: P-CAV (Asus 4816A) or CAV (Sony CRX-215A1)

Postby Ian on Mon Dec 23, 2002 9:46 am

erezs wrote:Could anyone tell me whats the different between P-CAV and CAV?

Check here:

http://www.cdspeed2000.com/go.php3?link ... al.html#q2
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Postby erezs on Mon Dec 23, 2002 11:18 am

Thanks, but I already read that. I need some answers for my other questions, and in short, what should I buy: Sony CRX215a1 or ASUS 4816A??
Thanks again.
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Postby TheWizard on Tue Dec 24, 2002 4:15 am

Hmm, somebody didn't do enough homework. :)

erezs: This site has detailed reviews of both drives, look for the TDK veloCD 48X24X48 under the Reviews section since it is the Lite-On 48X24X48 which is also what the Sony CRX215A1 is.

http://www.cdrlabs.com/reviews/index.ph ... erformance


http://www.cdrlabs.com/reviews/index.ph ... erformance

Actually, the first review compares the ASUS 4816A and the TDK 48X24X48 (same as the Lite-On 48X24X48 and Sony CRX215A1) in a very nice table so you compare the drives side by side. One thing to note, the Sony CRX215A1 does not require a firmware update, to my knowledge, in order to make it rewrite at 24X. The TDK reviewed does need a firmware update. Don't take the TDK review as the gospel truth because it isn't the exact same drive as the Sony CRX215A1, but it is close enough. If you want a review strictly for the CRX215A1, then do a search on Google. I'm sure reviews of the drive exist.
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