cfitz wrote:Hi Hitokiri, glad to see you posting again!.

And with a vengeance - five this morning already.

i'm having some troubles with my drive (as you know) so i came here to find some input from others, and thought i'd give some output along the way

Ever since I started playing with WSES and CD Doctor I have been wondering more and more about CD Speed and exactly what it is doing and just how accurate/useful it truly is. You are obviously skeptical of CD Speed. What are your thoughts on WSES/CD Doctor? Do you have any more details on exactly what CD Speed is measuring, and how? Where did you get your information?
well, i am not that familiar with WSES and CD Doctor, since i am not able to utilise those programs
but as you can read in my post speed is not acurate at all, since it only shows you one type of error: E32, an uncorrectable..all other types of errors are neglected, since there is no way for the program to get access to such information from the drive (if the drive is capable to do so), unless it had the instruction sets of the drive in question..
if you want to scan for errors, just use a high quality drive and nero cd speed..if it finds E32 errors, the disc is useless (although it could be, by my own experience, that a disc would display an uncorrectable even if the disc is burnt properly..i had this serveral times when burning downloaded bin/cue's from games etc)
if the speed test and scandisc test show no problems, you have nothing to worry about imo..after all, every disc always will have errors on's unavoidable
i came to know most of this from SatCP (look for his site), but unfortunately he does not reply to my mails any more..maybe he got tired of all my questions, i cannot blame him..they just kept coming

XP 1700+ | Abit KR7A | 256 DDR | MSI GF TI4200 | SBLIVE! | Plextor PX-W4012TA | Creative 1243E 12x DVD :s