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New Nero

Postby Nico Wico on Wed Dec 18, 2002 3:44 pm

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Postby Inertia on Wed Dec 18, 2002 6:00 pm

This may be useful for someone who likes to test beta software without input or recognition.

Until software is officially released on the Nero site, it should be considered a beta version.
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Postby Nico Wico on Wed Dec 18, 2002 6:25 pm

It's also at Nero's FTP site.
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Postby Kennyshin on Wed Dec 18, 2002 6:29 pm


Nero FTP site is not intended for official release. :D

Though I have already installed on my system.
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Postby Ian on Wed Dec 18, 2002 6:56 pm

It's available for official use. Where do you think the links on Ahead's website point to? I'll install it later. Hopefully it won't screw anything up.
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Postby Spazmogen on Wed Dec 18, 2002 7:19 pm

I'll give it a go too.

If it's good enough for Ian, then it's good enough for me.

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Postby Inertia on Wed Dec 18, 2002 8:05 pm

Ian wrote:It's available for official use. Where do you think the links on Ahead's website point to? I'll install it later. Hopefully it won't screw anything up.

It depends on what you call "official" use. The FTP links on Ahead's website point to v5.5.9.17, which is listed as the current version on their download page.

Because a later version is listed on the FTP site, it doesn't necessarily mean that this is yet an "official" version. If enough bugs are discovered, it might be changed to v5.5.10.1 or some other revision before it's released. Nero has done this before with some of the "new versions" floating around the web.

Anyway, this is my take on the subject. If CCampbell is around, he might be able to shed some light on this subject. :)
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Postby TCAS on Wed Dec 18, 2002 8:34 pm

I agree with Inertia, since Nero either in the past or present has shown no interest to listen to the people with the knowldge of software testing under stressed envornment for any debugging and misbeavier, why some one take the time , energy and risk of screwing his/her system on the bata release software when his/her contribution is not being counted and recognized by software manufacturer.
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Postby TCAS on Wed Dec 18, 2002 11:22 pm

I have download and installed this new version of, the initail test indicates aatleast to me that this version is solwer than pervious version and takes more CPU usage in burning process than its precessor. Obviously this may be a rush judgement and more vigorous testing is needed to draw any conclusion on this new revision and its cons and pros.
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Postby chon_wang on Thu Dec 19, 2002 12:37 am

This version works great. I burned a full DVD+R flawlessly as well as cdr with Sony DRU500A. As previous version couldn't finalize.

two thumbs up nero!
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Postby gurgenpb on Thu Dec 19, 2002 1:18 am

It looks like this version supports AAC encoding (check out the Preferences>Plugins dialog box). Thats what's new with the 5.5.10.x release
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Postby Ian on Thu Dec 19, 2002 1:24 am

It also fixes a bug in resampling module
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Postby eliminator on Thu Dec 19, 2002 1:36 am

Wake up ATI :-)
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Re: ....

Postby Kennyshin on Thu Dec 19, 2002 1:48 am

chon_wang wrote:This version works great. I burned a full DVD+R flawlessly as well as cdr with Sony DRU500A. As previous version couldn't finalize.

two thumbs up nero!

Good to hear that since I'll the drives in about 20 hours. :D

BTW, does your account name have any meaning? It looks like Korean.
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Postby Ian on Thu Dec 19, 2002 9:22 am

This version is on Ahead's website now. Still no change log though.
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Postby alchip80 on Thu Dec 19, 2002 2:11 pm

I see that Ahead now has added NeroNet support to the Preferences - Expert Features section.
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Postby integspec on Thu Dec 19, 2002 9:16 pm

Ahead has added support for MP4 in this release. Yet to use it though...

I copied about 3 cd's (two 800MB Overburn, one 700MB) and didn't come across any problems. Major difference from the previous version seems to be Neronet (No idea about this yet) and MP4 support.

Btw, Ian, bravo for the great job you have been doing with this site and hope you will keep your standards high as ever.

(This is my first time I'm getting involved in a user group beyond lurker level and hence cdrlabs seems to be a close knit group, looking forward to stick around.)

Take care people.
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Postby Spazmogen on Thu Dec 19, 2002 9:45 pm

Welcome to the forums!
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Postby Coastie on Sat Dec 21, 2002 6:11 pm

I have stumbled across a problem that others have also noted.

When using Nero Express I can not choose to read and write from the CDR drive. When choosing to read from the CDR the destination drive option (CDR) remains blank. Downgrading to 5.5.9x solves the problem. This only happens when using Nero Express.
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mp3 cd's failing

Postby Lactobacillus on Wed Dec 25, 2002 11:03 pm

Hey, just installed this version too....i got a crappy old cel 400 with 196 meg of ram, and an 8x creative burner. 5 gig space left.

it always worked fine under the nero that come with the bruner, an early nero 5 version. I got totally sick of win98 and put 2000 on. I've burnt about 8 data cd's just fine since then. Im trying to burn a music cd (mp3s to cda) and it always gets buffer underrun after the first song has been burnt.

What used to happen was, nero would calc the volume of the track, then the equalizer settings, then burn the mp3, then move onto the next one and do the same, never failed. In nero 5.5.10....it calcs the volume of every track first, then trys to burn them...it doesnt even seem to do the equalizer settings...so it calcs all the volumes first, then tries to burn and fails.

how can i change it back to the old way of doing things so it works? why the hell did they change the method? and is it just a setting i can change to make it work properly.

I couldnt find anythign to effect how it works in the compilation info.

see if you can figure it out.

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Postby joey523 on Wed Jan 29, 2003 6:57 pm

:( I perchased a DVD writer Cendyne (Pioneer) it came with Nero I installed DVD burner leaving my CD burner in. Installed Nero5.5.10.0 and when it wanted to restart I said yes. Except it never made it back to desktop. Got blue screen with VXD errors. Tried and tried to get to desktop no luck went safe mode uninstalled Nero Then i could get to desk top. Reinstalled software same problem. Uninstalled and reinstalled older verion no problems I thought maybe the disc I have is Defective but have not been able to get response from Ahaed.
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Re: New Nero

Postby UALOneKPlus on Fri Jan 31, 2003 5:39 pm

Don't click on this link -- it's got a ton of pop ups and a Gator install prompt if you're not careful..

Use the ftp url instead!

Nico Wico wrote:You can get it here: http://www.warp2search.net/article.php? ... ad&order=0
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