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In CD 3.51.61, Can't copy Files or Folders, CD is Read only.

Nero Burning ROM, Nero Express, NeroVision Express, Recode, InCD, etc..

Postby dodecahedron on Tue Dec 03, 2002 9:42 pm

after your previous post, in which you quoted the first correspondence with ahead, i replied and commented about Ahead tech support (8 posts up).

now the latest response...as helpful as ever. :x

a more extended rant of mine can be read here:
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Postby Daiwa on Fri Dec 06, 2002 11:20 pm


Finally got around to uninstalling WMP7.1 & reinstalling it. I then uninstalled the Adaptec CD burning component only. Neither of the potentially offending Adaptec files can be found on my system now. There are 3 cdr*.dll files in the Ahead\Nero directory and 3 cdr*.sys files in 3 system folders which are Windows files.

FYI. I have had no further BSOD's or problems using InCD as a large floppy, but haven't really given InCD a workout formatting a few discs or anything else taxing yet. I'll repost if I run into more problems.

Daiwa :)
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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Dec 07, 2002 1:22 am

sorry if this is a stupid question, but anyway...

are there any know issues between Nero/InCD and Windows Media Player 8.0 on windows XP ?

is it possible to uninstall WMP 8.0 from winXP? can't find it in Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs | Change or Remove Programs or Add/Remove Windows Components.

does WMP 8.0 use offending plug-in's known to cause trouble, like witn WMP 7's Adaptec plug-in ?

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Postby KCK on Sat Dec 07, 2002 11:12 am

To Daiwa:

I'm glad you got both InCD and WMP 7.1 running! :D

To support other W2K users, could you list the Cd*.* and Ud*.* files in your C:\WinNT\System32\Drivers and C:\WinNT\System32 directories? For instance, give us the output of the following four commands:

dir C:\WinNT\System32\Drivers\cd*.*

dir C:\WinNT\System32\Drivers\ud*.*

dir C:\WinNT\System32\cd*.*

dir C:\WinNT\System32\ud*.*

run in a Command Prompt window (opened via Start| run| cmd).

To dodecahedron:

WMP 8.0 is an internal component of XP which can't be removed via normal procedures. There are no known issues between Nero/InCD and WMP 8.0. As for the future, we can only pray that Windows Update doesn't install burning plugins for WMP 8.0, or replaces it with WMP 9.0 silently. :evil:
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Postby RichardHeaton on Sat Dec 07, 2002 1:27 pm


In that I hope to benifit from this as well, I would like to list the referenced files in my w2k. sp3 directories


cdaudio.sys - 7/26/2000 - 19,080
cdfs.sys - 7/22/2002 - 61,104
cdr4_2k.sys - 11/18/2001 - 53,136
cdralw2k.sys - 11/18/2001 - 22,553
cdrom.sys - 7/22/2002 - 27,952


udfs.sys - 7/22/2002 - 62,672


cdfview.dll - 8/29/2002 - 142,336
cdm.dll - 9/18/2001- 118,872
cdm.dll.old - 7/22/2002 - 112,336
cdo.dll - 10/03/1998 - 703,760
cdont.dll - 7/22/2002 - 402,704
cdosys.dll - 7/22/2002 -2,524,944
cdplayer.exe - 7/26/2000 - 337,680
cdral.dll - 3/02/2001 - 45,056
cdral.old- 11/18/2001- 45.056
cdrtc.dll - 11/18/2001 - 45,056


No Files

Windows media player ver

Thanks again for all the help.

Richard Heaton
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Postby KCK on Sat Dec 07, 2002 3:31 pm


This is getting interesting. Apparently the burning plugin of WMP 7.0 is responsible for Cdr4_2k.sys and Cdralw2k.sys in C:\WinNT\System32\Drivers, as well as Cdral.dll, Cdral.old and Cdrtc.dll in C:\WinNT\System32; Daiwa will probably confirm it.

Now, are you sure Nero, InCD and WMP run correctly on your box? If yes, then you needn't worry about WMP's plugin! However, you may still remove the plugin just like Daiwa did in this thread. A brute force approach would be to rename .sys to .sy_ and .dll to .dl_ (and to remove registry settings for these files if you really like to be thorough). However, first try if Add/Remove Programs for WMP gives you the option of unistalling the plugin.
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Postby RichardHeaton on Sat Dec 07, 2002 4:29 pm


I attempted to remove components from my WMP back on 11/27/02. By going into:

Start-Settings-control panel-add/remove programs-WMP-Change
Choose "Change":

Window: Choose the best installation option for you from the following list:
(*) Remove windows media components
( ) Allow removal of shared components

1. If "Removal windows media components" AND "Allow removal of shared components not checked"

Window: Windows media configuration manager window
(*) Removing shared components can affect or disable other applications on your computer. It is recommended that you do not uninstall shared components. Are you sure you want to allow removal of shared components?

If "yes", Message (Next)
When I clicked "Next" I got:

Program Error: setup_wn.exe has generated erors and will be closed by windows. You will need to restart the program. An error is being created.

When I unchecked "Remove Windows Medial components" and sellected ( ) Allow removal of shared components I ended up with the same error.

Hope you can follow that! The program seemed to assume I wanted to remove shared components at all times no matter what options I checked or left un-checked. I was not able to remove components no matter what I checked.

What tests would you suggest I preform to insure that my Ahead Nero applications are working correctly?

Thanks in advance.

Richard Heaton
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Postby KCK on Sat Dec 07, 2002 7:52 pm


Testing if Nero, InCD and WMP 7.0 can coexist on your W2K box would amount to using them for a longer period. However, the question is of academic interest only, and WMP's plugin is not needed anyway. Hence I recommend the following.

1. Remove WMP 7.0 via Add/Remove Programs.

2. If necessary, remove Cdr4_2k.sys and Cdralw2k.sys in C:\WinNT\System32\Drivers, as well as Cdral.dll, Cdral.old and Cdrtc.dll in C:\WinNT\System32.

3. Download the installer of WMP 7.1

http://download.microsoft.com/download/ ... S/mp71.exe

When you run mp71.exe, check if it gives the option of not installing the Adaptec plugin (tell us about it). Otherwise, use Add/Remove Programs to uninstall the plugin (apparently this worked for Daiwa). If the plugin can't be removed, remove WMP 7.1, employ the AdaptecBlock hack described in my message of Nov. 27, and reinstall WMP 7.1.

4. Check the System32 and Drivers directories for Adaptec's culprits.
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Postby RichardHeaton on Sun Dec 08, 2002 10:22 am


I am unable to uninstall Windows Media Player via the Control Panel, software Add/Remove. When I attempt to install my freshly downloaded copy of WMP 7.01, I do get the option of selecting components or deselecting them. I unchecked the Adaptec plugin. Installion seems to proceed normally.

I am not confident of the installation because I am unable to un-install the application from Windows.

I see three Registery references to WMP. All in HKY_Local_Machine - Software:

1. Software - Clienbts - Media - Windows Media Player - Installinfo

2. Microsoft - Updates - Windows Medial Player - wm 308567, Wm 320920, Wm 320920.1

3. Microsoft - Windows - Current Version - Media Content Index - Schemes - Windows Media Player Library Scheme

Have you previously posted or referenced a procdeure for removing the media player other than from the Control Panel?

Richard Heaton
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Postby KCK on Sun Dec 08, 2002 1:04 pm


I'm not sure why you mentioned WMP 7.01; you should be upgrading from 7.0 to 7.1, not reinstalling 7.0. Maybe MS version convention confuses both of us. Anyway, I'll assume you have mp71.exe as indicated in my previous message.

Let's try the brute force approach, since your WMP 7.0 looks broken. Remember to reboot after any major change!

1. To uninstall the Adaptec plugin of WMP 7.0, click Start| Run and run

rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\adaptec.inf,Uninstall

If this works and you no longer see Cdr4_2k.sys, Cdralw2k.sys and Cdral.dll on your box, go to (4) below.

2. Remove Cdr4_2k.sys and Cdralw2k.sys in C:\WinNT\System32\Drivers, as well as Cdral.dll, Cdral.old and Cdrtc.dll in C:\WinNT\System32.

3. To clean the registry, either use Notepad to create a file called cdclean.reg that contains the following five lines




and run it by double clicking on cdclean.reg in Explorer, or edit the registry.

4. Rename the file "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" to "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.bak".

5. Rename C:\WinNT\System\wmploc.dll to C:\WinNT\System\wmploc.bak.

6. Run mp71.exe to install WMP 7.1 (without the plugin of course).

7. Check the System32 and Drivers directories for Adaptec's culprits; if none are there, you're done. Otherwise, use Add/Remove Programs to uninstall the plugin. If the plugin can't be removed, remove WMP 7.1, employ the AdaptecBlock hack described in my message of Nov. 27, and reinstall WMP 7.1.

Tell us about your results.
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Postby RichardHeaton on Sun Dec 08, 2002 5:16 pm


Sorry about the version number confusion. I did download mp71.exe. I reflected back onto the MS version declaration of 7.01...

I ran "runall32advpack.dll....., uninstall".

It cleaned up the C:\winnt\system32\drivers\cd*.* folder; I now have:

The system32\drivers\ud*.*


The C:\winnt\system32\cd*.*


I manually deleted cdm.dll.old and cdral.old

I made the changes in step(4) and step (5) C:\winnt\system32\
(you listed the change in (5) as C:\winnt\system\)

I installed mp71.exe and unchecked the Adaptec Plugin option. Install was successful.

I rebooted and attempted an uninstall with "Allow removal of shared components" unchecked. I selected to remove Media Player Skins. Worked just fine.

I attempled a second uninstall and checked the "allow removal of shared components". I was presented with 11 removal options. I cancled out of that uninstall.

I then reinstalled mp71.exe. I selected the "Upgrade to new components only" option. I was presented with the "Adaptec CD-Burner plugin" and the "Windows Media Player skins" options. I reinstalled the Media player Skins.

Worked just fine.

I haven't done much with Ahead yet but InCD recognized the fornatted CR-RW and it mounted okay. I am able to read, write and erase to/from the disk. Nero is working okay with the CD-R disks as well.

So, looks like you have done it for me.

Thank you very much.

Richard Heaton
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Postby KCK on Sun Dec 08, 2002 6:33 pm


Glad it worked! :D

Step 5 was cannibalized from ME, and I forgot to replace System by System32; sorry! But you discovered the correct version. You may now delete the *.bak files from Steps 4 and 5.

Your additional testing of WMP removals/reinstalls was really smart.

Don't push your luck by upgrading to WMP 9.0. We need to hear more screams from users acting as guinea-pigs for MS to learn what lies ahead. :evil:
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Postby RichardHeaton on Sun Dec 08, 2002 9:48 pm


Yes, life is good and the .bak files are history

KCK wrote:Richard:

Don't push your luck by upgrading to WMP 9.0. We need to hear more screams from users acting as guinea-pigs for MS to learn what lies ahead. :evil:

Not to worry! WMP 9.0 waits until I get the OKAY in this forum!


Buffer Underrun
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Postby CCampbell on Mon Dec 09, 2002 5:33 pm


Sorry for the late response on this, but I have been on the road some. And just FYI, I will be out from Dec 11th to Jan 1st. Going to Germany on a Business trip, to address these issues and others.

And you are very accurate in your diagnoses. Our web site is very out dated, even with all the recent changes. And the support section is seriously lacking. Which is why I've been requested by our Germany office to make any needed changes. This will take some time, but as a quick patch we have posted our How To's, which cover most of the most common support questions we get. And our FAQ will be getting a major over haul, as it still pertains mostly to Nero 4. This all will take time, but in the next few months you should see dramatic changes in our web site. And our Tech support Query form on our web site will also follow suite in these changes.




Thank you for indirect confirmation that Ahead Tech support team exists. I've been following this and other forums for a couple of months; yet I've never seen a message from anybody who got any feedback from that team (barring of course your own forum activity a couple of months ago and in the last days).

The Ahead Software Support Request Form is indeed a bright idea, since most users won't be able to fill it (with the Notes window failing to provide any hints most of the time) and thus the support team will get very few requests...

Your canned "normal response" should be included in the FAQ section on Ahead's site; the so-called Help System there is outdated and hence quite useless. Also such information should be available in the InCD Help (which incidentally doesn't work in 3.51.61).

These complaints are not addressed to you personally (we appreciate your presence in this forum), but you may transfer them to the support team.
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Postby CCampbell on Mon Dec 09, 2002 5:51 pm

Hello Everyone,

We will be making many changes to our website to reference more help for InCD, as well as more up to date information for Nero as well as InCD.

At this time, we have no known issues with AutoRun under W2K or XP.

And I will have a very strong talk with Mike who failed to even read the Email, let alone the response on the CDRLabs forum.

As well as our New Nero Clean tool which can disable any Roxio drivers. But there are others known to cause this symptoms.

It will take a little time, but we will improve our support all around.

Sorry for trouble our under par support has been causing. I assure you it will change.


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Postby KCK on Mon Dec 09, 2002 7:33 pm


Thank you very much for reassuring promises about Ahead's improved website support.

Apparently Nero Clean tool is not available yet at Ahead's website.
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Postby Daiwa on Tue Dec 10, 2002 1:19 am


Here's what's left of those files on my Win2K SP3 system following an uninstall of WMP7.1, reinstall of WMP7.1, and removal of the WMP Adaptec CD Burning Plugin:

C:\WinNT\System32 -

C:\WinNT\System32\drivers -

This seems to match Richard's end result precisely, though it appears he was having a different problem with WMP than I was - mine would just crash/not work, but I was able to uninstall it via CP Add/Remove without any problems. I wonder if the installation of InCD is what trashed WMP - my antennae weren't focused on WMP at all at the time, but WMP seemed to go south right after I simultaneously installed my new burner & DVD-ROM drives and their respective software. Could also have been the PowerDVD installation, for all I know.

For a variety of reasons, I haven't been *exercising* InCD much, meaning no formatting or reformatting since getting my system *clean*, but I'm having no problems using it as a large floppy for backing up files. It's also *very* fast for that purpose, BTW. And WMP seems to be working fine after the reinstall.

Hope this is helpful to one & all.

Daiwa :)
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Postby KCK on Tue Dec 10, 2002 2:00 am


Thanks for the final input! :D We now have two examples of "healthy" W2K directories (BTW, you may delete cdm.dll.old).

I doubt that InCD trashed your WMP. It's another story that the InCD installation program should give a warning when it detects suspect drivers (e.g., from Adaptec's plugin).
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Postby clumzy_oaf on Tue Dec 10, 2002 7:03 am

Another question all together:

Has anyone else who has had this problem went through the "little" trouble of reverting to the previous InCD (3.37)?

I too had the problem with packeting not being up to par. The discs I use are work related, and they don't want to change over to another software (they are presently running Roxios). Well on a couple of occasions I wasn't allowed to read the discs. I uped to 3.51.61 and thought everything would be hunky-dory. Various problems happend then. Could read the discs, usually (last chance was puting them into a cd-rom -worked). Wrote to them once in a while, but never consistantly. Had missing files afterward, and file structure anomolies. Didn't know what else to do (at the time I was running late by 2+hours due to these problems) so I dumped 3.51, and reinstalled 3.37. Havent had the nightmare that was going on since.

Running 2ksp2 on 667p3 w512, 60g, 20g, liteon24x
I'm running wmp 6.4x.
Haven't had zip anything installed on that setup.

I think Aheads might have a problem with that release.
Buffer Underrun
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Postby KCK on Tue Dec 10, 2002 10:29 am


Unfortunately InCD 3.37 has the infamous rename problem (just search various forums).

Did you use CD-MRW? Were your discs formatted by DirectCD at work or by InCD? Did you do Nero Full Erase before formatting them again with InCD? Do you have Roxio's UDF Reader on your box?

Sometimes InCD 3.51.61 doesn't like discs formatted with earlier versions of InCD, especially for CD-MRW.

In general I wouldn't advise using the same discs with both DirectCD and InCD. But if your setup works, you may stay with InCD 3.37.
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Dec 10, 2002 12:26 pm

Yes, we need to do some final tests before we are 100% sure about posting the Nero Clean tool.

I've sent this to at least 300 people, and have not had any problems with it yet. But we have to be thorough.

Any who wants this tool can send a request to me at techsupport4@nero.com and I will provide it to you.

PS. Be aware I will be out of the office from Dec 11th to Jan 1st.


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A Note of Appreciation

Postby Daiwa on Thu Dec 12, 2002 1:25 am

Thanks to all who have contributed to this very informative thread, in particular KCK who's been quite adept at sorting wheat from chaff.

I appreciate the time taken by all of you and the many helpful suggestions.

Happy Holidays one & all. :D
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Postby Daiwa on Fri Dec 13, 2002 9:27 pm

From the FWIW Department -

I'm happily formatting, erasing, formatting & using the CD as a large floppy without any error messages or apparent problems, and certainly no BSOD's, since *cleaning* my system of all the potentially conflicting Roxio & WMP files. Keeping my fingers crossed, but so far so good. I suspect this thread has had a lot to do with Ahead developing the forthcoming NeroClean tool to hopefully avoid such conflicts, so kudos to you all. Who knew?

Cheers, everyone :D
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Postby KCK on Fri Dec 13, 2002 11:49 pm

We had ups and downs here, but nothing succeeds like success!

The key factor was exemplary feedback provided by the major participants.

To share our common knowledge in other circles, I have included some of our findings in the thread

http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php ... adid=60163

So thanks to everyone, and Happy Holidays. :D
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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Dec 14, 2002 12:09 am

dodecahedron wrote:does WMP 8.0 use offending plug-in's known to cause trouble, like witn WMP 7's Adaptec plug-in ?

KCK wrote:WMP 8.0 is an internal component of XP which can't be removed via normal procedures. There are no known issues between Nero/InCD and WMP 8.0.

thanks, KCK.
another one:
are there issues with RealPlayer or WinAmp, do they have/use troublesome burning plug-ins? can they be removed?
(i seem to have got these installed with my XP by default)
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