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Please help; DVD writing problem, sector 0 is empty

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Please help; DVD writing problem, sector 0 is empty

Postby irvine on Tue Dec 10, 2002 5:40 am

After having tried all conceivable options and wasted 8 dvd´s in trying to get started, I am desperatly hoping for someones help/suggestion on the following problem:

After having authored and checked my DVD content (which plays correctly when played from disk), when I attempt to burn it using Roxio 5.1.1 (MAC
OSX), the DVD appears to be written correctly, but upon verification it fails and I get the following message "Verification failed, sector 0 is empty"

I have tried any combination I can think of when it comes to authoring, checking etc., and after 5 days, and 8 dvds.. my burning question is.. what do I do wrong?

My DVD content has been authored useing Apple DVD studio 1.5 for OSX, and works perfectly using apple DVD player when playing from disk, The Video_ts and audio_ts folders are then dropped into a DVD project in Roxio, in accordance with the user manual.
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Dec 10, 2002 5:31 am


Postby irvine on Wed Dec 11, 2002 8:42 am

problem solved!

reason was bad media of the type "eProFormance", I tried two variations (12 disks in all)

after testing LaCie, Pioneer and Primedisk media, and all of them were written succesfully, the solution seems obvious: to avoid the "eProFormance" DVDs in the future.
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Dec 10, 2002 5:31 am

Postby cfitz on Wed Dec 11, 2002 9:10 am

By the way, please don't cross post. It is better to keep the question and all responses in one thread. It is polite to those who may be wasting their time answering your question in one thread when it has already been answered in another. It also makes for a better reference for future use since all responses are grouped together.

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