Just wanted to find out if anyone else has been having issues with the Lite-On LTR48246S (48x24x48) drive? I picked up my new drive as of today and was going to go with the 52x but could care less about the difference between the two drives.
In either case I cannot seem to get the drive to recognize. Everything has been plugged in accordingly. I am running the following system setup:
AMD Athlon XP 2400+
Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 1)
Lite-On 48x24x48
Creative PC-DVD 12X Drive (Slave)
I am replacing my old drive which was an HP 8100 drive. For some reason when it detects the new drive it shows up as this:

Anyone have any suggestions? The reason I ask is that I found Lite-On's support page (www.liteonit.com) to be very poor for support purposes. Please help!