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Best media for A05


Best media for A05

Postby boblx2 on Tue Dec 10, 2002 10:17 am

Does anyone have information about what media works with the A05? I have only found one media that seems to work consistantly with my A05 and that is those blue Princo -R/W discs. That requires another copy to put it on a -R though which drags out the process.
After making lots of coasters I have found the following media that DID NOT work:

1. Memorex 1X -R (single disc in jewel case)
2. TDK 2X -R (bulk media)
3. Apple 1X -R (single disc in jewel case)
4. TDK 1X -R (single disc in jewel case)

The TDK 2X media appeared to work but nothing could read the DVD when it was finished. The others the drive just refused to accept.

Any information would be greatly appreciated...........
Have fun.........Bob
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