BuddhaTB wrote:Tolyngee wrote:Just can't understand being this irrational over $15?
To a college student, $15 can go a long way. I'm sorry if $15 is chump change to you, but I've learned that money doesn't grow on trees. When your on a college student's budget, you're always conscious about the money that you do have since every quarter you do have to buy new books or other expenditures do arise. $15 is a significant amount to me, and if it was $1 or less, I wouldn't care much about it, but this is $15 dollars we are talking about. I don't want to get into all the things that 15 bucks can buy, but it can buy a lot if you spend it wisely.
Don't remember suggesting $15 was chump-change. $15 is $15 to me, too. But $15 isn't something to get irrational over to me.
BuddhaTB wrote:Since this is the Rant and Rave forum, I can tell people about the bad experiences that I've had. I know that yelling tactic may sound bad, but if you sound angry over something, people will usually try to help you out because they know their companies reputation is on the line. If you don't agree with any of the things I've said regarding this topic, you don't have to continue reading this and you can move on to the other parts of CDRLabs. This is my commentary on the matter.
Never suggested you couldn't express yourself here.
Didn't you yourself say that they are being reasonable? You said if they haven't received your rebate by then, you'll demand a supervisor and start yellin' at 'em until you get a reasonable answer as to why they haven't received your rebate. They're responsible for having not received it?
have you read the fine print? I'm sure you have, and unfortunately they're not responsible for lost mail, which is what it sounds like...
Besides, if you have to be so unreasonable to get someone to listen, if you must so manipulate them, what can that say about their reputation?
If their reputation is to not work with customers on issues, perhaps don't buy their product next time?
They're still following the fine-print of the rebate though... They can't/don't process that which they haven't received...
You'd run your business that way too!
BuddhaTB wrote:As for you Tolyngee, I know you have ripped one some of my posts in the past and I'm starting to get tired of it. If you don't have anything nice or creative to say, please don't say it and just keep it to yourself.
Yeah, I don't have anything nice to say.
buddhaTB: "If you have something nice to say, don't say it at all." eh?
It seems it is fine to irrationally rant and rave, but not fine to rant about out-of-line ranters. Typical mentality, unfortunately.
Ignorance can be cured, but stupid's forever...
But, sorry, no, I just could not justify harassing TheWizard if Kuryuka lost something of mine...
Come on, that's gotta make sense to you too, no?
Just that life is gonna "suck" for you if every five years of your life you get bent out of shape 'cause you lost $15...

(and especially "suck" if you can't find a way to laugh/cry about such events...)
Not unusual though from my life's experiences for people to make molehills out of mountains and mountains out of molehills...
On a lighter side, if you enjoy harassin' and yellin' at people concerning purchases, may I suggest Ebay?
Come on, sit back, get a grip, and laugh a little about it all...
In all honesty, getting upset over things like this will cost you more than $15 later down the road in health care costs!!!

Now that's a life tax you don't wanna pay!