by GizmoC on Tue Dec 03, 2002 7:55 pm
I was looking thru your CDR Media chart and found one of the recommended media for the LiteOn 2410B (my drive) is from CMC Magnetics.
I simply dont understand on what basis do you say this.
You know, I wouldnt be here struggling for the past 10 hours jumping from one forum to another trying if I never used those crappy CMC Magnetic disks.
I ran some tests using CD Speed and EACH AND EVERY CMC disk had thousands of errors! Infact, newly burnt discs that werent even 1 min old had errors on them when I tested with CDSpeed.
So, I just dont know why you seem to have recommended those Imation disks.
My movie collection which spans over 1000 CDs is completely on those Imation(CMC) and Datalife (MMMM) disks. I've been told that within the next couple years all these CDs will eventually become unreadable. I wish that wasnt true, I keep telling myself that it isnt true because most of these CDs have lasted for more than a year now already, but those tests I ran using CDSpeed show that not even ONE of my CDs is free from errors.
I just dont know what to do.
If I buy better media and make cd-to-cd copy will those errors also be copied?