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Compusa Deals From 12/1 to 12/7

Postby BuddhaTB on Sun Dec 01, 2002 2:59 pm

BUSlink 52x24x52 Internal IDE CD-RW Drive
$79.99 - $10 Instant Rebate - $20 Mail-In Rebate = $49.99 HOT!
*Drive Made By Lite-On and REAL Specs Are 52x24x52*
TDK VeloCD 48x16x48 Internal EIDE CD-RW Drive
$109.99 - $20 Instant Rebate - $40 Mail-In Rebate = $49.99 HOT!
*Drive Made By Lite-On. Can Be Upgrade to 48x24x48 With TDK Firmware*
Sony 48x12x48 External USB2.0 CD-RW Drive
$169.99 - $20 Mail-In Rebate = $149.99
*Drive Made By Lite-On*
Memorex 40x12x40 External USB 2.0 CD-RW Drive
$149.99 - $20 Instant Rebate - $30 Mail-In Rebate = $99.99
Memorex 700MB 4x CD-RW 10-Pack With Slim Jewel Cases
$9.99 - $2.50 Insant Savings - $5 Mail-In Rebate = $2.49

In Store Special
Imation 48x 700MB CD-R 20-Pack with Slim Jewel Cases
$13.99 - $3.50 Instant Rebate - $11 Mail-In Rebate = $0.49 HOT!
*Made By CMC*
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Re: Compusa Deals From 12/1 to 12/7

Postby aviationwiz on Sun Dec 01, 2002 3:02 pm

BuddhaTB wrote:In Store Special
Imation 48x 700MB CD-R 20-Pack with Slim Jewel Cases
$13.99 - $3.50 Instant Rebate - $11 Mail-In Rebate = $0.49 HOT!
*Made By CMC*

Not really, It's Imation so it sucks. All Imation disks suck.
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Re: Compusa Deals From 12/1 to 12/7

Postby BillyG on Sun Dec 01, 2002 4:20 pm

aviationwiz wrote:Not really, It's Imation so it sucks. All Imation disks suck.

Well you get 20 slim jewel cases for 48 cents. I think only TY discs on sale like Fuji/TDK/Memorex should be considered "HOT!" Deals.
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Re: Compusa Deals From 12/1 to 12/7

Postby BuddhaTB on Sun Dec 01, 2002 4:27 pm

BillyG wrote:Well you get 20 slim jewel cases for 48 cents. I think only TY discs on sale like Fuji/TDK/Memorex should be considered "HOT!" Deals.

You get 20 CD-R's and 20 Jewel Cases for 49 cents.
That comes out to 2.5 cents per each CD-R AND Jewel Case! If you don't think thats a hot deal, then don't buy it.

Imation CD Media is top of the line CMC media. I've never had a bad experience with them, so they are not bad at all. I know other CMC disc do suck, do these Imations are different. Just because you had a bad experience with Imation on your CD-RW drive doesn't mean its bad media. Imation CD's are good and cheap.
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Imation discs

Postby Kantos Kan on Mon Dec 02, 2002 2:17 am

I've never had any problems with Imation discs either, FWIW.
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Re: Imation discs

Postby TheWizard on Mon Dec 02, 2002 4:23 am

Kantos Kan wrote:I've never had any problems with Imation discs either, FWIW.

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Postby KuoH on Mon Dec 02, 2002 8:26 pm

The Imations have worked well in the various LiteOn and BenQ/Asus drives I've tried them in. Not sure why people insist on all the brand bashing. Heck, even the cheap HiVal/ValueDisc/KHyper discs made by CMC have worked 99% of the time.

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Postby BillyG on Mon Dec 02, 2002 9:47 pm

I had a couple Imation/CMC's stop playing in my home CD changer (Technics) after two years (these were the 10X-16X discs), luckily I saved the songs by carefully ripping them slowly with EAC as wave files and burning them to a new CD-R. I've had too many bad and expensive experiances in the past with CMC to trust 'em.

Imation/CMC are good for making copies of audio CD's for the car, and short term backups but I wouldnt reccomend them for things I want to keep for a long time (like, decades). Thats my greatest fear about using them. Sorry for sounding like a broken record again about CMC.
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Postby KuoH on Tue Dec 03, 2002 8:48 am

In my uninformed opinion, that could've probably happened with any brand of media burned more than a couple of years ago. While I'm no industry expert, I'm sure both the media (even the cheap ones) and the drives have come a long way in improving the reliability and longevity of the stored data since then. It wasn't really until the last couple of years that we've seen some real advances in CD writing technology. Besides, if your experience with those two discs are indicative of the entire CMC line, then every one of your CMC discs along with everyone elses burned a couple of years ago would've become unreadable, not just those two. That would make for a lot of peeved off people in the world with lost data.

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Postby BuddhaTB on Tue Dec 03, 2002 12:03 pm

I personally have some audio and data CD's that were burned on Imation CD-R's on my Sony Spressa CRX100E/X USB 4x4x6 back in 1999 that still work fine today even after years of storage. I've never had any problems with Imation CD media except for the buffer underrun problems with my Sony USB drive that I bought before buffer underrun protection was being implemented into CD-RW drives. I think CD's that fail after awhile are an exception to the millions of CD's that CMC has made for Imation and other brands over the years. As with any product, there's always the chance of having a bad batch of CD media. Overall, there is nothing wrong with Imation CD media as it is a good brand that can be bought for a very good price. For those of you who have had bad experiences with Imation CD's, there could be numerous reasons for the CD failure like CD-RW drive compatability or what not, but you are entitled to your opinions. However, if you want to continue to bash Imation or CMC made CD media, then do it in the rants and raves section of the forum.
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Postby Reg-da-Ripper on Tue Dec 03, 2002 12:30 pm

Imations are not that bad IMO. I haven't had any problems with them for home use; however, they (the 32x CD-Rs) were incompatible with some of the older CD-ROM drives I use at work.

Lately, I've used the 40x AT&T and 48x Imation CD-Rs (both CMC-manufactured) at work without any problems (read: the older CD-ROM drives can read the media). So as KuoH stated, CMC has come a long way in product quality. :)

Besides, the best CMC-manufactured blank CD-R is the 48x Verbatim DataLifePlus (Mitsubishi Chemical supplies the metal azo/super azo dye to CMC; CMC manufactures the blanks for Verbatim/Mitsubishi Chemical). :D (Update: Please do not take this last paragraph too seriously; it was a tongue-in-cheek response to all those who think that any CMC-manufactured CD-R is junk...we all are entitled to our opinions.)

Sorry to get off-topic. :)
Last edited by Reg-da-Ripper on Wed Dec 04, 2002 2:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Dec 03, 2002 12:48 pm

Reg-da-Ripper wrote:Besides, the best CMC-manufactured blank CD-R is the 48x Verbatim DataLifePlus (Mitsubishi Chemical supplies the metal azo/super azo dye to CMC; CMC manufactures the blanks for Verbatim/Mitsubishi Chemical). :D

i don't think you're right.
the Verbatim ValueLife CDs are'nt Azo dye.
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Postby TheWizard on Tue Dec 03, 2002 4:40 pm

Reg-da-Ripper specifically mentioned Verbatim DataLifePlus, although I still think MC makes these discs, not CMC. CMC definitely makes Verbatim ValuLife.
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Postby BuddhaTB on Tue Dec 03, 2002 4:43 pm

TheWizard wrote:Reg-da-Ripper specifically mentioned Verbatim DataLifePlus, although I still think MC makes these discs, not CMC. CMC definitely makes Verbatim ValuLife.

MC still does make the Verbatim DataLife Plus series of CD media.
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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Dec 03, 2002 5:28 pm

Reg-da-Ripper wrote:Besides, the best CMC-manufactured blank CD-R is the 48x Verbatim DataLifePlus (Mitsubishi Chemical supplies the metal azo/super azo dye to CMC; CMC manufactures the blanks for Verbatim/Mitsubishi Chemical). :D

Verbatim ValueLife media is manufactured by CMC. i was assuming Reg-da-Ripper was actually referring to this (as he was talking about CMC-made media).

TheWizard wrote:Reg-da-Ripper specifically mentioned Verbatim DataLifePlus, although I still think MC makes these discs, not CMC. CMC definitely makes Verbatim ValuLife.

i don't really know if the Verbatim DataLifePlus media is manufactured by Verbatim themselves, or by Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. or maybe Red-da-Ripper is correct and it is actually CMC who manufacture the media using Mitsubishi Chemicals supplied Azo dye.

however Reg-da-Ripper referred to the DataLifePlus media as CMC made. even if he is right about it actually being manufactured by CMC (for Verbatim), still to call this CMC media would be wrong, confusing and misleading. because no (other) CMC mendia uses Azo dye. Azo dye is used ONLY by Verbatim. all CMC made media, whatever brand name (Imation, Phillips, Khyphermedia etc. etc.) is non-Azo.
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Postby BillyG on Tue Dec 03, 2002 6:13 pm

I have had a few Verbatim ValueLifes that I got in a trade that were made by Moser Baer in India. All of the DataLifes I have bought are MC made, but I havent bought any this year.

One company that seems to have ramped up thier quality lately is Lead Data. Bought 40X GQ Great Quality at Fry's last month with 10 slim jewel cases at $1.99 and they have all burned fine in my Lite-On 48X - theres a discussion that they are making the 50 packs of 32X CD-Rs for Sony (on sale for $10 at Wal-Mart) at CD-RW.Org.

The music CD-R's that have lasted the longest in my collection are from TY, KAO-Ricoh (are they still in business??), and Kodak Gold. The first CD-R I got dates back to 1995, a local band gave one to me when I was DJ'ing in radio and it still plays - its a Fuji.
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Postby TheWizard on Tue Dec 03, 2002 6:23 pm

I never had problems with GQ Lead Data discs. My only complaint is that the silver finish around the inner clear ring rubs off easily, but I haven't had any of the dye scrape off...from what I see. ScanDisc still shows the discs have 0 errors and I recorded them about a year ago.
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Postby Nhawk on Tue Dec 03, 2002 11:07 pm

CMC media is definitely lower quality than all the rest.
(at least in LiteOn drives)
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Postby Reg-da-Ripper on Wed Dec 04, 2002 2:40 am

I added a disclaimer to my original post. I didn't realize that what I casually mentioned would cause so much controversy. :)

Thanks for the "edu-ma-cation" guys, but I already knew all that stuff about Verbatim (DataLifePlus and Value Life) CD-Rs when I made my original comments.

As this is getting way off topic (most of the comments -- including mine -- do belong in the "Rants" section), I'll (try to) refrain from additional responses...just to keep the peace somewhat. :)
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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Dec 04, 2002 11:00 am

don't worry about it, Reg-da-Ripper.

and in my reply i just wanted to point out that Verbatim DataLifePlus aren't really CMC.
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