I installed the new Norcent drive in my PC to make sure it worked (so I could send off the rebate) and I was disapointed with the results.
I set Nero up it to burn a Fuji 48X rated CD-R at 48X audio, seamless link dropped the burning speed to down to 12X for the entire burn. Tried 2 other different CD brands and the highest speed it would burn was 24X with a Precision (Prodisc) 40x.
I upgraded Nero last month ( and it works fine with my Lite-On 48x12x48x. I didnt install the version that came with the Norcent drive for fear of it not working when I swapped the Lite-On back.
The MP3 ripping speed isnt great with Audiograbber (proably should have used EAC or CD Speed instead, but I needed to make quick rips for my TDK Mojo), I think the top ripping speed is limited to 24X. Rips started slowly around 8X then sped up to 22-24x. The bios is the latest according to Norcent's webpage. Is there a way to upgrade this to an Benq? Looks like this drive is going to wind up someones xmas gift.