While doing some Christmas shopping, I stumbled across some Princo 800min/700mb 4-12x CDRW's. Yes they do say 800min on the cover jacket insert. [How I wish!].
This in In reference to my previous thread Need "good" 700mb RW's. Why are there so many bloody separate posts on the same topic including mine? Sorry 'bout that.
Anyways, here's the ATIP:
Nero CD Speed : Nada
SmartBURN CD Analyzer : Zilch
Nero "Shift" Refresh Trick : Manufacturer - Digital Storage Technology Co. Ltd. 79:57.74 703 MB.
That's all folks. These must be very new media?
Here are my results using it on a Litey 52/24/52 for an audio cd, and FYI, 10x is the highest speed Nero would let me burn at. The other listed speeds are 8x and 4x. The source were audio tracks ripped into into .wav's from Feurio!, Nero and Exact Audio Copy. And it was a DAO/96 burn.
18 songs 81:06.45 min
10x overburn - Neroscan disc shows too many errors and I could hear them too so the burn was no good.
8x overburn - even though Nero reported that the LiteON failed to burn at the end it was not bad. Nero CD Speed surface scan showed Good: 99.59 %, Damaged: 0.41 %, Unreadable: 0.00 %.
4x overburn - surprise! Good: 87.98 %, Damaged: 6.58 %, Unreadable: 5.45 %. It was actually worse to burn slower! [Note: for this experiment, I reinstalled Nero].
17 songs 77.54.21 min [same compilation but I took out one song]
10x - had a couple of errors, couldn't really hear them but I didn't scrutinize that closely.
8x - perfect burn.
It should be noted that my system froze completely twice during burning. Once when I tried to access my "Control Panel", then when I tried to change the channel on my TV Tuner. I did recently defrag my HD so I don't know if that had something to do with it.