by coolestnitish on Sat Nov 23, 2002 1:42 am
Ian, I had one question about the features of the drive. Your review said the drive did 52x (CAV), 48x, 40x, 32x, 24x (P-CAV), 16x, 12x, 8x, 4x (CLV). And some people on the web were confused of this burner's specs and they predicted it would be 52x, 48x(CAV), 40x, 32x, 24x (P-CAV)
16x, 12x, 8x, 4x (CLV). So according to your review it writes 48x at P-CAV. So is this one of the first burners to come with 48x P-CAV? And if so then the LiteOn would be the same too right??
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