Hey CDRFreak 2003, if you look at Yamaha's history, you will see that they do not exactly kick people's doors down with new offerings. Hey, they did not even have any speed progressions between the 24x and 44x burners (i.e. 32x,or 40x). So, don't hold your breath waiting for one by Christmas or anything like that. I will say that they make a really good product, they just price themselves out of the equation for hobbyists. I have no need for audio mastering modes or disc T@2-ing, though I would gladly accept them as features in a reasonably priced burner.
You may have a need for these features, and more power to you if you do! But, IMO you really should not discount some of the other options being proposed to you. I would even suggest that if you are considering a combo drive that you look long and hard at the LG GCC-4320B which is a 32x10x40x CD/16x DVD drive. Or wait a month or two and check out some of the rumored 48x12x48x/16x combos that are said to be waiting in the wings. Just don't sell yourself on some over-hyped technology that might just leave you wanting.