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Liteon LTD163D Firmware Needed!!


Liteon LTD163D Firmware Needed!!

Postby RossDane on Mon Nov 25, 2002 4:44 am

Hello peoplez
Anyone out there who has a Liteon LTD163, LTD163D or even LTD 165 DVD ROM drive an knows how to use MTKFLASH an make a copy of there DVD ROM firmware BIN file, could you please email me a copy of it, I would be oh so greatful, or even direct me to a website which has the firmwares available for download, becasue I can't find any (by the way, has anyone notice Liteon new DVD ROM site, LJMS, in the firmware download section, if you click on a firmware to download, a window pops up saying "construction". what's with this???).
My less than a month old DVD ROM suffered an accidental fatal bad flash due to an error I typed in the code string for flashing a drive's firmware using MTKFLASH, insteadof a 4 for the drive address on the IDE channels, which would of directed the flash to my Liton 40X writer which is slave on the secondary IDE channel, I missed an typed a 3, which directed it to the DVD ROM dive, (I was typing to fast an not paying much attention). Only then afterwards when the flash procedure had started an I was looking at the screen had I noticed the error an the DVD ROM LED was flashing instead of the CDRW drive, so in a panic I swithced the system off hoping for the best when I powered it back up, even the the ROM had been erased 13%, but alas, I saw the worst, the DVD ROM drive was completed DEAD, not even the LED came on as in the case as I read of bad flashes with CDRW drives an MTKFLASH. unfortunately I didn't make a backup of the drive's firmware because I wasn't flashif it anyway, so why needed to, also I can't find anyone who has an identical DVD ROM like me to get a copy of there firmware :cry: But tell me do you really need another drive or you just need the firmware BIN file?
Anyway as I asked earlier is anyone is willing ot email me a copy of there firmware I would be truely greatful :lol:

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Postby dimitri on Mon Nov 25, 2002 4:54 am

No problems RossDane,

Just visit my site, all you need is there :)

NEVER be in a hurry when using Mtkflash 8)

Good luck
All the best, dimitri (a.k.a digi, mango)
digi.rpc1.org | digidvd.tk
LiteOn/Jlms dvd drives: info, firmware, regional freedom :cool:
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Liteon LTD163D Firmware Needed!!

Postby RossDane on Sat Nov 30, 2002 10:15 pm

dimitri wrote:No problems RossDane,

Just visit my site, all you need is there :)

NEVER be in a hurry when using Mtkflash 8)

Good luck

sorry to take so long but Thanks a million for your info an link yo your website, I got the firmware an the drive has been reserected even better now than before, has the latest firmware an it now region free!
I can't begin to thank you enough for you help
Keep up the good work
p.s like your site escially the picture that changes when the mouse pointer passes over it, need to get the program that does that :P

Ross :lol:
Buffer Underrun
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