Anyone out there who has a Liteon LTD163, LTD163D or even LTD 165 DVD ROM drive an knows how to use MTKFLASH an make a copy of there DVD ROM firmware BIN file, could you please email me a copy of it, I would be oh so greatful, or even direct me to a website which has the firmwares available for download, becasue I can't find any (by the way, has anyone notice Liteon new DVD ROM site, LJMS, in the firmware download section, if you click on a firmware to download, a window pops up saying "construction". what's with this???).
My less than a month old DVD ROM suffered an accidental fatal bad flash due to an error I typed in the code string for flashing a drive's firmware using MTKFLASH, insteadof a 4 for the drive address on the IDE channels, which would of directed the flash to my Liton 40X writer which is slave on the secondary IDE channel, I missed an typed a 3, which directed it to the DVD ROM dive, (I was typing to fast an not paying much attention). Only then afterwards when the flash procedure had started an I was looking at the screen had I noticed the error an the DVD ROM LED was flashing instead of the CDRW drive, so in a panic I swithced the system off hoping for the best when I powered it back up, even the the ROM had been erased 13%, but alas, I saw the worst, the DVD ROM drive was completed DEAD, not even the LED came on as in the case as I read of bad flashes with CDRW drives an MTKFLASH. unfortunately I didn't make a backup of the drive's firmware because I wasn't flashif it anyway, so why needed to, also I can't find anyone who has an identical DVD ROM like me to get a copy of there firmware

Anyway as I asked earlier is anyone is willing ot email me a copy of there firmware I would be truely greatful
