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Burning Software Exculsive to Drives ???

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Burning Software Exculsive to Drives ???

Postby EdT on Tue Nov 19, 2002 2:31 am

Are the burning software such as EZCD and DirectCD that came with my LG drive work only on LG drives ? this would be a problem since I have upgraded now to a Lite-On drive and some of my cdroms have not been finalized yet on DirectCD. Is there a work around or am I screwed ???
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Postby cfitz on Tue Nov 19, 2002 2:41 am

OEM bundled burning software is typically tied to the specific drive or drive manufacturer with which it came. As a work-around, you might try downloading a demo version of EZCD and finalize all your older disks before the trial period runs out.

However, even if your discs aren't finalized, you should still be able to read their contents. So you could just leave them as is, and create new copies if you want to add to any of them.

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Problem Fixed

Postby EdT on Thu Nov 21, 2002 2:30 am

Guess Roxio had a big problem on their hand when their EZCD v5xxx would report "Unsupported Drive", they eventually came out with a patch to add more drive and that fixed my problem with a copy of EZCD Basic I got originally from my LG drive. Now it runs on my new Lite-On drive as well.
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