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Office Max Ad -11/17

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Office Max Ad -11/17

Postby Ian on Fri Nov 15, 2002 12:44 am

New Office Max Ad is up:

http://www.officemax.com/max/solutions/ ... ucture=100

Here are the deals in my area:

CenDyne 48/12/48 CD-RW - $29.99 after $30 IR and $30 MIR

KHypermedia 50 Pack CD-R discs- FREE after $3.99 IR, $7MIR and $4 MIR

I/O Magic 24/10/40 USB 2.0 CD-RW - $69.99 after $30 IR and $30 MIR

CenDYne 16x DVD-ROM - $49.99 after $10 IR and $20 MIR
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Postby BoGMan1a on Sun Nov 17, 2002 1:21 pm

That Cendyne drive is a HOT deal! I was in at my local OM and the boxes that they had were LTR-48246S, so it is actually the 48x24x48x drive that should be upgradeable to the 52x speeds sitting in that box! Not a bad deal at all even before the $30 rebate. If I wasn't set so well for burners, I'd be there as soon as the place opened this morning!
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Postby Ian on Sun Nov 17, 2002 2:19 pm

Damn, that is a good deal.
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Postby kawah on Tue Nov 19, 2002 1:28 pm

Here is a question to BoGMan1a or anybody who might know.

Does it write 24X CDRW out of the box. or I need to update
the firmware from LiteOn (hence may lose the usage of the
OEM version of Nero comes with the drive)?

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Postby cfitz on Tue Nov 19, 2002 1:40 pm

If it actually is a LTR-48246S as reported by BoGMan1a, then it should write 24x right out of the box. Moreover, I believe Cendyne is one of the re-badgers that uses the LiteOn product directly, without customizing the firmware in any way. Check out the label of the Cendyne Ligtning IV that Ian reviewed ( http://www.cdrlabs.com/reviews/index.ph ... e=Features ) :


It is a LiteOn without any pretension of being anything else. This latest Cendyne is probably the same, so that you should be able to update it directly with LiteOn firmware if you so choose, and the bundled OEM version of Nero will not complain.

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Postby BoGMan1a on Tue Nov 19, 2002 6:03 pm

I have seen 3 different models in the Cendyne boxes at my local OM, the LTR-48125W, the LTR-48246S, and some CW-4208 :evil: or something like that which I believe is that Accesstek/Optorite model. So, if they are not on the shelf like at some OM's then you need to ask them to check the model# for you. Happy Hunting! :D
Main Computer:
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Postby Ian on Tue Nov 19, 2002 6:35 pm

Yeah, it should tell you the model name on the label on the back of the box. Look for LTR-48246S on it.
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Deals at Office Max

Postby Meggie on Fri Nov 22, 2002 6:47 pm

Be careful what you buy at Office Max. I purchased some of their cds that had a rebate on them. Super Buy, except months later I still have not received the rebate.

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