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My PC doesn't recognize my CDRW

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My PC doesn't recognize my CDRW

Postby chermesh on Sun Nov 17, 2002 10:57 am

This is my first inquiry on this forum and I hope it will be responded effectively even if it may be basic.
I bought an Archos SlimCDRW (model 1/020602457). With the aid of an Archos support person, and using a tppinstl_5_04.exe file I managed to bring to use on my home pc.
When I followed a similar method on my office pc (win2k pro, pentium II), I failed. Installation ends with the following lines on my Device Manager:
Universal Serial Bus controllers:
Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to USB Universal Host Controller
USB Root Hub
! USB Storage Adapter V3 (TPP)
The first line is an old item.
The second - a successful addition
The third - a failured addition.
The message I get for the third line is:

"This device cannot start. (Code 10)
Click Troubleshooter to start the troubleshooter for this device.

What went wrong and how do I solve my problem?

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Postby LiteOn Sucks on Sun Nov 17, 2002 11:06 am

you buy a new one
LiteOn Sucks

ha, ha ,ha

Postby chermesh on Sun Nov 17, 2002 11:25 am

and again,

ha, ha, ha
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Postby TheWizard on Sun Nov 17, 2002 1:01 pm

Kindly disregard LiteOn Sucks. He has no life because he lurks on these forums 24 hours a day, 7 days a week posting nothing but useless things. Now he is probably scaring people away from the community because of his incoherent babbling. Trust me, chermesh, this community IS friendly and LiteOn Sucks is not really a part of it.

Now then, on to your problem. I don't have much experience with USB, but tell me, does the drive support USB 2.0 or 1.1? There may be a compatability issue with your office PC, especially if it is older than your home PC...is it?
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Postby coolestnitish on Sun Nov 17, 2002 4:25 pm

Hi, I agree with Wizard's comments about LOS. Don't worry about what he says. As per your problem, can you tell whether the drive supports USB 1.1 or USB 2.0? If it is a USB2.0 drive, and you don't have a USB 2.0 card on the computer, then it won't work.
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Nov 17, 2002 4:35 pm

coolestnitish wrote:can you tell whether the drive supports USB 1.1 or USB 2.0? If it is a USB2.0 drive, and you don't have a USB 2.0 card on the computer, then it won't work.

wrong, it will just work slower.

maybe try going to the device manager and uninstall the "USB Storage Adapter V3 (TPP)" (i take the ! in your post to mean that an exclamation mark in yellow appears in the device manager, signifying a prblematic piece of hardware?)
right click this item and then "uninstall".
after that click the computer name (first item in the device manager) and right click -> scan for hardware changes.
i dunno, but maybe after this you'll have to reinstall drivers too.

maybe this can solve the problem.
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Postby LiteOn Sucks on Sun Nov 17, 2002 4:46 pm

why dis regaurd me?.. i give help ful addvice
LiteOn Sucks

Postby sonyman on Sun Nov 17, 2002 5:05 pm

LiteOn Sucks wrote:why dis regaurd me?.. i give help ful addvice

Helpful advice? Oh wait, I see, you are except we can't undastand a damn thang that come outta yo mouf.

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Postby LiteOn Sucks on Sun Nov 17, 2002 8:31 pm

finally someone notices.. also i do got good grammar i just don't use them it right... :roll:
LiteOn Sucks

Postby sonyman on Sun Nov 17, 2002 9:11 pm

LiteOn Sucks wrote:finally someone notices.. also i do got good grammar i just don't use them it right... :roll:

Geez, you are stupid. I was being sarcastic. Can't you tell that?

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Postby LiteOn Sucks on Sun Nov 17, 2002 9:16 pm

i know that foo
LiteOn Sucks

Postby chermesh on Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:59 am

TheWizard, coolestnitish, dodecahedron,
Thanks for your replies.
My CDRW uses both USB 1.1 and 2.0. I'm not sure, however, about the USB 2.0 of my PC (I believe the system is too old to have this capacity), but it sure has USB 1.1 capabilities. The best proof is that my Palm Pilot USB synchronization works flawlessly.
I did uninstall the driver, more than once. I did follow the Archos technician instructions and run TPPINST_5_04.EXE on top of the default installation. The newer version offered three options: Remove, Repair, Modify. When Repair didn't work, I tried Remove. After reboot, the problem stayed.
As to the exclamation mark, dodecahedron, you're right. I meant "in yellow appears in the device manager, signifying a prblematic piece of hardware?".
So, is there anywher else I should look?

p.s. As to LiteOn Sucks, thanks for your condemnation. He isn't worth any reference at all.
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Nov 18, 2002 8:06 pm

what is this "TPPINST_5_04.EXE" installation program that you mention?
what is it supposed to do?

chermesh wrote:I did uninstall the driver, more than once.

do you mean you right clicked on the "USB Storage Adapter V3 (TPP)" and uninstalled, like i suggested in the previous post?
did you reboot right after uninstalling it?
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TPPINST_5_04.EXE and Uninstalling "USB Storage Adapter

Postby chermesh on Tue Nov 19, 2002 4:47 am

Hi dodecahedron,
I'm not sure what TPPINST_5_04.EXE does. It doesn't have any documentation. Still, I've discovered that it is available on the net from various sources. If I'm not mistaken, it updates the USB drives and adds USB 2.0 to the available repertoire.
As to installing "USB Storage Adapter V3 (TPP)", yes, I did exactly as you said.
My current situation is that my CDRW isn't recognized by the system (I see no letter drive added for the scanner) and the same exclamation mark reports something illegal in "USB Storage Adapter V3 (TPP)".

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Postby KCK on Tue Nov 19, 2002 6:40 am


1. Many people are having trouble with USB 2.0 devices; use Google for a general search, and then in Groups, looking for

This device cannot start. (Code 10)

2. If the manufacturer of your burner doesn't have enough info on the Web, use Google to search for who sells/repackages this model, and check their troubleshooting FAQ-s. E.g., I found in many cases that a Taiwaneese manufacturer had next to nothing, but a US reseller did have useful FAQ-s. Also check the websites of major US companies involved in USB 2.0 products, e.g., www.orangemicro.com.

3. There are many websites specializing in USB 2.0 technology, e.g., www.usb.org; again use Google.

4. Recently a friend of mine had trouble caused by a corrupt USB installation program; he had to get another copy from the reseller, and it worked.

5. Frequently people buy both a burner and a USB 2.0 PCI card. Then one must first install USB 2.0 drivers for the controller (which sometimes must be preceded by upgrading the motherboard drivers or BIOS), and check for yellow/red exclamation marks in Device Manager before installing the remaining drivers. So did USB 2.0 work on your office box before you ran the installation program? Again, it's easy to find on the Web how installations of USB 2.0 PCI cards are supposed to run for various resellers.

Personally, I think that USB 2.0 is still a mess (although it got better on XP recently). That's why I opted for IEEE 1394 (FireWire).
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Postby KCK on Tue Nov 19, 2002 8:02 am

I've just ran Google for tppinst_5_04.exe; there are many manuals, the first one at


Further, www.archos.com doesn't list your drive; so which model do you have?
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Looks like my Motherboard has USB 1.0 only

Postby chermesh on Tue Nov 19, 2002 9:17 am

I checked the documentation for my motherboard (Intel SE440BX-2), and looks like my problem doesn't stem from problems of installing a USB 2.0 driver. The documentation led me to believe that even USB 1.1 isn't available. The only reference to USB in the documentation is to USB (no version mentioned).
Does this make sense? Is there any solution to my problem if it is? (My scanner is USB 1.1 and USB 2.0. Not USB 1.0)

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Postby jase on Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:23 pm

I have heard of problems relating to using USB1 and USB2 hardware off the same host circuit... try disconnecting (and uninstalling) your scanner temporarily and see if the CDRW will install then. Another alternative would be to buy a separate USB card (about $20 or so for USB2) which would have the added bonus of allowing you to run the drive at full speed (an Intel BX set will not allow USB2).
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Postby TheWizard on Tue Nov 19, 2002 4:59 pm

SE440BX-2 is a good motherboard, I have one in my current machine. :) I plugged in a friend's USB scanner once and it worked, although I doubt it utilized anything above USB1.1.
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Postby KCK on Wed Nov 20, 2002 3:21 am


I feel that only Archos may be able to help you. However, the following points need to be clarified anyway, since basic info is needed for troubleshooting your case.

1. I think the role of TPPINST_5_04.EXE is well explained in


Did your burner come with an installation CD? Then it should have some readme file or a manual on the CD. If not, complain to Archos, and ask them if you can download it from their site.

2. If before installing TPP, or after uninstalling TPP, your Device Manager only lists

Universal Serial Bus controllers:
Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to USB Universal Host Controller
USB Root Hub

this should mean your box only has a single USB 1.1 port. So how many USB ports do you really have? Just inspect you box. If you do have more than one port, are they all working with your Palm Pilot USB synchronization? (They should not, unless you censored your previous description of Device Manager...)

3. Even if your motherboard documentation mentions USB only, it's probably USB 1.1. You could check via Sandra Standard


but it will probably only confirm USB 1.1.

4. Do you really mean that both after using Remove in TPPINST_5_05 and again after the removal via Device Manager suggested by dodecahedron, Device Manager still lists

! USB Storage Adapter V3 (TPP)

If yes, then something is seriously wrong, and you should contact Archos (who may suggest reinstalling Windows...). Of course, you could try removing TPP both ways again, but if you fail, not much can be done. If you succeed, read the manual linked above, run TPPINST_5_05 again, reboot, check Device Manager, and only if you see no !, connect your drive; then check Device Manager again.

5. Did you mean "writer" when you wrote "scanner"?

If Archos can't help you with the w2k pro box, but you are happy with your home pc, you may keep your SlimCDRW. Otherwise I would suggest returning it. You could then look for vendors with better support.

Before buying external storage devices, I always make sure that I can return them if they don't work on all my boxes (currently 98SE and Win XP Pro).
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