I have several questions about the review of this drive. First, on the drive is written CRX210A1, but all of the pictures except the overclocking pics list it as a CRX210E1. Is this the way it was recognized out of the box?
>> Yes. It used to be that the "E" versions were OEM, but lately it seems that all of Sony's drives are "E" versions.
On to overclocking, the pics you posted list the drive as a CRX220E1, yet you said that you got the firmware from a web site, but the firmware on the web site *should* list the device as a CRX210E1. Did you modify the firmware to display the 220?
>>No. The firmware on the bottom of that page is already modified to show 220.
One last overclocking question in regard to the review. If you did actually use the firmware that was posted on the web page and then modify it to show the 220, then it was based off the 52/24/52 LiteOn drive. What you failed to mention was whether you still had to use the eject button for turbo boost to get the drive to finish the write at 51X plus speeds.
>>The Lite-On firmware does not have the Turbo Boost feature. When you flash it with that firmware, that feature is not present.
I bought the CRX215A1 (I think, maybe it's an E1 -- the Sony 48/24/48) and it's not recognized by CDRWin, so tonight I'm going to put the firmware to the one you supposedly used and see if, just by name, it will be recognized by CDRWin (the CRX210E1 supposedly is). If so, I may have to modify my old firmware to rename the drive for CDRWin (I don't feel the need to move at 52X -- or even 48X, for that matter).
>>Before you do it, back up your firmware. That way you can go back. Also, if you remember, email me (
ian@cdrlabs.com) your backed up firmware. I don't have the CRX215 firmware yet.