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Which CPU should I buy ?

AMD Athlon XP 2200+
Pentium 4B 2.53Ghz
Total votes : 4

Which One ?

Postby TidusTheCoolest on Wed Nov 13, 2002 10:13 am

Which system should I buy ?

I can get
AMD Athlon XP 2200 +
128MBMSI GeForce 4Ti 4600
80 GB Maxtor (7200 rpm) HDD
Imation 48x24x49x CD-RW
Sony 16x DVD Drive
Altec Lansing ACS4 5.1
Creative Live Sound Blaster ! Live Digital Entertaintment 5.1
17" Samsung 753dfx (Flatscreen)

It will cost me about U$ 1000

But , if I add U$ 100 more , I can get Pentium 4B 2.53 GHz with the same spec .

Which one should I buy ?

I want my PC to last as long as it can .

Please suggest what motherboard to use .
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Postby BuddhaTB on Wed Nov 13, 2002 8:28 pm

It really depends on what your planning on using the system for. Stick with the Athlon if your planning on gaming. As for the motherboard question, if your getting an Athlon I would suggest a Motherboard from a quality company like Asus, MSI, Soyo, and etc. with a VIA chip in it. Either the KT333 or the KT400 chipsets would be nice for your Athlon system. However if you do decide on a Pentium, get a motherboard from Intel with the specs and features you want. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
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