by blakerwry on Mon Nov 25, 2002 2:36 am
I'm sorry, but the amount or even type of RAM in your video card has less than nothing to do with the quality of the card, much less the quality you get from the TV-out.
If you want good TV out, get a card that can do simultaneous TV out and analog monitor out such as the Geforce 4, TNT2, Radeon series, or a matrox with TV out.
The geforce 3(and also the 2's i belive) were made in such a way as to not fully support simultaneous TV and monitor out... this is unacceptable.
Some TNT's are probably not made with the quality components they once were... so I personally would stray away from one if I was not able to view the quality before buying the card.
The geforce4's, Radeon's and newer Matrox cards are all suposed to have excellent TV out capabilities.
I would lean towards the geforce4 if you do gaming and dont want to spend a fortune, the Radeon 7000-7500 series if you just want TV out and gaming is not that important, or the Radeon9700 pro if you have loads of cash and want the best.