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Canada: Kodak Gold 24x, 700mb $9.99 for a 10 pack!

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Canada: Kodak Gold 24x, 700mb $9.99 for a 10 pack!

Postby Spazmogen on Fri Nov 08, 2002 1:53 am

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Postby BuddhaTB on Fri Nov 08, 2002 2:05 am

Spaz, did you happen to find any good deals on Kodak Gold from any U.S. based web-stores?
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Postby TheWizard on Fri Nov 08, 2002 3:09 am

All US sites that I've seen sell Kodak Gold media for a ridiculously expensive price. The best price I've seen overall for Kodak media is at Kodak's shop online site in the UK: 100 74min discs for £19.99!

http://www.kodak.com/GB/en/corp/store/c ... CATID=2054
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Postby BuddhaTB on Fri Nov 08, 2002 3:36 am

TheWizard wrote:All US sites that I've seen sell Kodak Gold media for a ridiculously expensive price. The best price I've seen overall for Kodak media is at Kodak's shop online site in the UK: 100 74min discs for £19.99!

http://www.kodak.com/GB/en/corp/store/c ... CATID=2054

£19.99 GBP (United Kingdom Pounds) = $31.5683 USD
I still think that's pretty expensive for a 100-pack of CD-R's, but maybe not too bad considering they are "rare" Kodak Gold CD-R's. I can't even order any products from Kodak's UK site anyways. If anyone finds a more decent offer for Kodak Gold CD-R's, let us know please.
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Postby Spazmogen on Fri Nov 08, 2002 6:11 am

1 $ US = $1.60 CDN


www.asyousee.com is based in Canada, BUT has 2 USA stores (LA & Michigan). See the contact info above.

Kodak Gold: http://www.asyousee.com/accessories/4012/4012.htm

Single disc in Jewel Case for $1.49 CDN (about 89 cents US per disc).

They only have 38 discs in stock from what I can see.

The other link above had many more, but only dealt with Canadians.
e6400 Core 2 Duo @ 2.13ghz
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Postby Bhairav on Fri Nov 08, 2002 8:11 am

hows http://www.safecity.com.au/cdr.htm then?
How are the prices? 100$aus =65$ US
Those prices include delivery
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Postby BuddhaTB on Fri Nov 08, 2002 3:00 pm

bhairavp wrote:hows http://www.safecity.com.au/cdr.htm then?
How are the prices? 100$aus =65$ US
Those prices include delivery

No way would I ever pay $65 USD for a pack of 50 Kodak Gold CD's. That's just way too much. For $65 you know how many Taiyo Yuden CD's I could get, A LOT. :wink:
Last edited by BuddhaTB on Fri Nov 08, 2002 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cfitz on Fri Nov 08, 2002 4:06 pm

BuddhaTB wrote: For $65 you know how many Taiyo Yuden CD's a could get, A LOT. :wink:

I reckon a little over 1000, if you finagle the rebates... WOW! :o

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Postby Spazmogen on Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:39 am

http://www.sonnam.com/detail.asp?S=3345 ... 1771124151

Just found this online.

www.xe.com converts the $79 Canadian to $54 USD for a 100 spindle of 80 minute discs.

e6400 Core 2 Duo @ 2.13ghz
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Postby cfitz on Sun Mar 09, 2003 12:00 pm

Spazmogen wrote:www.xe.com converts the $79 Canadian to $54 USD for a 100 spindle of 80 minute discs.

Hmmm... $0.54 per disc? That's still pretty dear. Unfortunately, true gold discs don't come cheap, and this price is less than most gold offerings. On the other hand, if it matters to you, the Kodak Silver-Gold uses a reflective layer made of an alloy of silver and gold. It isn't 100% gold. I don't know the exact composition, but I imagine there is more silver in there than gold.

Also, in this case you get the rare and special spindal packaging and not the more usual spindle packaging. :wink:

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