Thanks for all your help, but it still isn't going properly (I haven't dared mess about with the firmware yet).
The advice not to run the firmware things from a floppy was from a user on the forum on this page:
Nero Infotool reports DMA on for all three hard drives and the LG-8400B (which is Secondary Master). Windows Control Panel reports ordinary DMA on for the LG8400B and UDMA for the hard drives. The info screen on boot-up reports PIO4 for the LG-8400B (but if Windows and Nero don’t it’s probably wrong).
The system ASPI (whatever that is) reports 4.57.
Firmware 1.01. Buffer 8Mb (yes, I’d be one of the lucky ones. If the damn thing wrote at 40x the way it says it does on the box).
Have been looking into CD speed again now.
Can’t find an option on CD speed for
all so tried all the options except audio-CD with a written data disc in
Seek test: Random seek 94 ms, 1/3 seek 104 ms, Full seek 173 ms
Burst rate: 2Mb/s
CPU utilisation: 9%
Spin up time: 3.60 sec
Spin down time: 4.08 sec
Disc recognition time: 7.76 secs
Transfer rate previously tested with an empty disc, as had no help with this tool at all. Testing it with a full disc I made earlier I get the green line climbing up the chart steadily to end at 41x.
That took 3 minutes to test. It now reports speed 19-41X CAV (31.96 average). If that was the
writing speed I wouldn’t have any complaints (although PCAV is presumably better for a reason).
In case you mean a factory-pressed CD I have just tried with the Nero CD. This reports speed 16-35X CAV (26.98X average). The green line climbs to between 32x and 40x, while the yellow line stays flat on 16x.
Alas, having tried to test it again with a blank, I get the green line, whatever that means, sticking consistently to 16x while the yellow line curves down to 8x by the end. It reports speed 14-16X CLV (15.94X average).