I'm using Win XP Pro SP1 at the moment and have realised there's a problem with my Asus 52x CD-ROM.
I've noticed a large decrease in speed from the Asus drive recently, although I'm not sure if it's connected with the installation of Service Pack 1 or not.
Using Nero Infotool it tells me that the Asus doesn't have DMA enabled.
I have an LG 8204B as master and the Asus as slave on IDE channel 2.
In device manger, the transfer modes on both slave and master are set to "DMA if available"
It shows the current transfer modes as:
LG burner - multi-word DMA mode 2
Asus 52x - PIO mode
is this right?
If so, how can I force the Asus to operate with DMA activated. When I first got XP I had a few problems getting things up and running but I managed it and got great results from both the Asus and the LG in Nero CDSpeed, so I know the Asus is capable of running with DMA enabled.
The graph in CDSpeed I get at the moment shows clearly that the Asus isn't working with DMA and the speeds are quite pathetic.
I have a feeling that the last time I had a problem I installed the lastest VIA 4in1 drivers which asked if I wanted to enable DMA when I installed them and that seemed to get things working well. However the latest 4in1s (4.43) don't give you the option, they just install the drivers automatically.
Any help would be much appreciated