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'No seek Error' with DRU-500A and Prodisc 2X; Princo 2X OK


'No seek Error' with DRU-500A and Prodisc 2X; Princo 2X OK

Postby VEFF on Tue Nov 05, 2002 12:52 am

I edited this post - Originally I was much more frustrated with the Prodisc 2X DVD-R discs not working with the DRU-500A after I tried some last week without any problems; however, the very unexpected Princo 2X success [see bottom] which happened after I was going to post this, has changed my mood somewhat:

Also, I just got a "No seek complete" with the Prodisc media (has to do with media or hardware setup) which is slightly different from the previous sense codes I got with the same Prodisc 2X DVD-R media tonight (those sense code were strictly media errors).
Could my Promise PCI ATA100 controller card (that DRU-500A is hooked up to) be at fault, even though the problem seems very media-specific?

After SUCCESSFULLY using some Prodisc 2X DVD-R that my brother sold me last week; I ordered 30 Prodisc 2X DVD-R for $65.80 shipped.
I received them today; well several hours and four COASTERS later (both with RecordNow and Nero); I am annoyed.
These Prodisc are white printable on top instead of silver; I doubt that has anything to do with the failed burns with the new batch.
The main difference is that the new ones have a SLIGHTLY thicker ring (the blueish one) on the very inside of the disc near the center, on the bottom (don't know what this is called in technical terms?) than the old ones.
So there might be a slight variation between the two batches?
Maybe some of the media experts here can suggest if this means anything?

I have read an article stating that the new technology (dual DVD burning + and - in one drive) is causing problems with media and hence has caused priced reductions (kennyshin posted a link to the article I believe).

It would nice if Sony could release a media list.

1) First I had major problems with Easy CD Creator last night (it keeps polling the DRU-500A and hence I can't click on anything else and have to shut down Easy CD) and reinstalling it at least five times after manually removing the Win 2K drives (I have XP)

2) I was not a happy camper with the Prodisc results today, especially after I specifically tested the same media last week several times!!!

I guess when it rains it pours.
I had gone ages without ANY serious burning issues with either media, software or drives; guess I was due...

Sorry for the long post; just needed to vent.

I lightened this post, after the free sample Princo 2X they sent (which is NOT supposed to work according to the site where I bought these) DID work (watching it now on my DVD player), very much to my surprise!
In an ironic twist, the new batch of Prodisc 2X I ordered from them (which ARE recommended on their site, along with Ritek) and which I myself had used (from my brother's previous batch of Prodisc 2X from a different vendor) successfully last time, did NOT work!!!

Go figure!!
Burners only:
Pioneer DVR-115D
Pioneer DVR-111D
Plextor PX-716A TLA0304
Plextor PX-716A same TLA

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Postby cfitz on Tue Nov 05, 2002 12:59 am

Boy Veff, my heart goes out to you when I read about your struggles. You were so looking forward to your new Sony, then had to wait through delays from the port dispute, and now that you finally have it, you've had nothing(?) but trouble. I wish I had something useful to actually say to you, but all I can offer is my sympathy. But don't get too worked up about it, I'm sure things will eventually get straightened out. It is just the price you pay for being a pioneer. This time, you are the one getting all the arrows in the back. :(

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Postby VEFF on Tue Nov 05, 2002 1:17 am

I am probably not going to waste too many more coasters or, more importantly, time on this.
I might try one more burn after moving the drive from the Promise controller to the regular IDE controller.
I really think it is just the media though, based on the fact that the Princo worked on the first try and I was 0 for 4 on this batch of Prodisc (unlike last week where they all worked; I think they changed their manufacturing process, since the rings near the center are different sizes than the other batch (my brother's)...

I'll probably RMA the remaining Prodisc 2X for Princo 2X or Ritek 2X and move on!!
Burners only:
Pioneer DVR-115D
Pioneer DVR-111D
Plextor PX-716A TLA0304
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Postby VEFF on Tue Nov 05, 2002 1:49 am

cfitz wrote:Boy Veff, my heart goes out to you when I read about your struggles. You were so looking forward to your new Sony, then had to wait through delays from the port dispute, and now that you finally have it, you've had nothing(?) but trouble. I wish I had something useful to actually say to you, but all I can offer is my sympathy. But don't get too worked up about it, I'm sure things will eventually get straightened out. It is just the price you pay for being a pioneer. This time, you are the one getting all the arrows in the back. :(


Thanks cfitz :)
Actually, the strange thing is that I had a lot of success last week (all four brands I tried last week worked, even the non-recommended DVDPro).
I had a few coasters at first but that was for the non media-related reasons I mentioned before.
So I was actually very happy; till this evening that is....

What annoyed me is that one batch of Prodisc worked so well, and another
(same rating) did not :(

I am going to exchange the remaining Prodisc (and eat the relatively low shipping both ways) for Princo or a refund and also try the Ritek 2X that Tolyngee wrote about.

Thanks for the sympathy; several of my colleagues got laid off while I was on vacation last week, so things could be A LOT worse...
I have to put this into perspective; it just gets frustrating not to be able to burn after the long wait (as you mentioned); and the media is via mail order (luckily the prodisc place is very close) so I have to ship it and wait for the new discs to get to me...
Burners only:
Pioneer DVR-115D
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Plextor PX-716A TLA0304
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Postby VEFF on Tue Nov 05, 2002 1:50 am

cfitz wrote:Boy Veff, my heart goes out to you when I read about your struggles. You were so looking forward to your new Sony, then had to wait through delays from the port dispute, and now that you finally have it, you've had nothing(?) but trouble. I wish I had something useful to actually say to you, but all I can offer is my sympathy. But don't get too worked up about it, I'm sure things will eventually get straightened out. It is just the price you pay for being a pioneer. This time, you are the one getting all the arrows in the back. :(


Thanks cfitz :)
Actually, the strange thing is that I had a lot of success last week (all four brands I tried last week worked, even the non-recommended DVDPro).
I had a few coasters at first but that was for the non media-related reasons I mentioned before.
So I was actually very happy; till this evening that is....

What annoyed me is that one batch of Prodisc worked so well, and another
(same rating) did not :(

I am going to exchange the remaining Prodisc (and eat the relatively low shipping both ways) for Princo or a refund and also try the Ritek 2X that Tolyngee wrote about.

Thanks for the sympathy; several of my colleagues got laid off while I was on vacation last week, so things could be A LOT worse...
And in my personal life there has been a nice development just now, so I
have to put this DVD-R problem into perspective.
It obviously just gets frustrating not to be able to burn after the long wait (as you mentioned); and the media is via mail order (luckily the prodisc place is very close) so I have to ship it and wait for the new discs to get to me...
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Postby Tolyngee on Tue Nov 05, 2002 2:22 am

VEFF wrote:I'll probably RMA the remaining Prodisc 2X for Princo 2X or Ritek 2X and move on!!

If you are (now) going to consider trying Ritek 2x-certified media, you may want to consider ordering from... Oh, never mind...

Perhaps I am just spoiled by ordering from places that although they have a limited selection, they sell low and actually test the capability/performance of all the items they sell...

They also respond to e-mails very quickly, and to phone calls even faster...

Sorry, just frustrated, as not only was I trying to save you money (except, as said, for the media quality being a ? mark), but my suggestion wasn't based on assumption as to if it should actually work...

But I don't go cruisin' around the 'net for the best deal when I already have found a price I can live with from a place I know I can trust and has the rep to back it up...

FWIW, I bet ya they would take back ALL of the DVD-R you had bought from 'em, not just the non-burnt ones, if they said "yay" and they were shown to be wrong...

(I've been impressed with 'em ever since buying a multi-hundred dollar config from 'em (well over a grand in all), and when the performance was clearly lacking, they offered a suggestion that promptly killed my config... It was out of THEIR warranty policy, but THEY still took it back, without me even really having to ask... I did send them clear and detailed e-mails on every step I took though, leaving almost no room though for argument as to what happened...)

Only gripe was being out the shipping, but can you name a place that reimburses shipping expenses?

But, yes, I have sent a few e-mails back and forth on the Sony, which is partly why I decided not to buy the DRU-500A...

But, Veff, if you think I am mad at ya or being offensive, it's not what I mean. I'm just frustrated any time someone doesn't take a suggestion of mine and consider it then I find them upset over gettin' (intentionally or not) screwed...

But, in response to Cfitz, how about the resellers bein' the pioneer, and lettin' THEM take the proverbial 'arrow in the back'? I call that service! :D
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Postby cfitz on Tue Nov 05, 2002 2:58 am

Tolyngee wrote:But, in response to Cfitz, how about the resellers bein' the pioneer, and lettin' THEM take the proverbial 'arrow in the back'? I call that service! :D

So do I. If you have found that reseller and are happy with them, then by all means stick with them. :)

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Postby rc213 on Tue Nov 05, 2002 6:02 am

I have a Promise Ultra100 TX2 PCI card and i had problems with my burner when i had it connected to the card instead of the onboard ide channels. I switched it over to the onboard and my problems were resolved. My setup now goes like this:

VIA Onboard IDE
Channel 1: Lite-On DVD-Rom
Channel 2: Lite-On CD-R/W(Soon to be DVD-R/W)

Promise PCI IDE
Channel 1: WD 40gb (WinXP)
Channel 2: WD 40gb WD(Stuff) 40gb(Stuff)
[Asus A8N-E]
[Athlon64 X2 4200+ (CNPS7000B-AlCu)]
[Sapphire x1800XT 256mb (Sytrin VF1-Plus)]
[2GB OCZ EL DDR PC3200 Platinum]
[X-Fi XtremeMusic]
[Antec SmartPower 2.0 500watt]
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Postby Tolyngee on Tue Nov 05, 2002 2:59 pm

rc213 wrote:I have a Promise Ultra100 TX2 PCI card and i had problems with my burner when i had it connected to the card

Speaking of which, whenever *I* have attempted to plug a cd-rw drive into a Promise IDE controller, to the best of my recollection not only did the burner NOT work on the controller, but the controller NEVER successfully EVER detected the burner...

This was way back over three years ago (older controller obviously then too... Ultra 66 probably?), but after it couldn't detect three burners I've never attempted since to connect a burner to the controller.

The mobo on-board ports suffice anyway, though...

rc213 wrote:Channel 2: WD 40gb WD(Stuff) 40gb(Stuff)

Uh-huh! 8)
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Postby VEFF on Tue Nov 05, 2002 11:02 pm

My Promise controller worked fine with my previous Panasonic DVD-R burner and seems to work with my DRU-500A, since most media did work, and when it doesn't work it is consistent by brand of media.
Burners only:
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