Spazmogen, I've actually looked into this... there is a way around the brutal customs fees. Canadians are allowed to receive "gifts" sent from the U.S. with a maximum value of $60 Canadian funds without having to pay duty. The only thing is that the package must say gift somewhere on the Customs sheet that they attach to the package and also some sort of gift note or card inside the package, which really isn't hard to do.
"Hey [name], saw these cds and thought you might want 'em." Simple as that. Plus, the Fuji cds are about $30 US with tax there, which comes out to about 48 bucks Canadian, safely under the limit.
But yea, Buddha and KuoH make some good points... one, finding some Fuji in stock would be a problem it itself, and postage fees are the only thing I am not really able to look into (don't know rates or weight of shipment), and that could very well be very costly, especially when dealing with UPS or the sort.
The main reason I would be willing to go through all the trouble for this is, and I'm pretty much repeating what Spazmogen already said, we get NO deals up here. The best is like $17-22 bucks (US funds) for a 50-pack of no-name and sometimes CMC. For Fuji, Sony, Verbatim, it's about $30-34 US for a 50-pack spindle (I'm going by my local FutureShop prices)... when you guys are paying 8 bucks for 100 after MIR
Spaz if you know of any canadian website where you can purchase good media for a reasonable price (and reasonable shipping price) let me know!