Ok, here's the deal - I live in Canada, so I don't have access to a BB nearby (closest one is a few hrs away, across the border). I'm wondering if anyone would be so kind to be interested in purchasing a Fuji 100-pack and sending it by mail/UPS or something. I would of course pay for the whole thing including postage cost and something bonus for your help! And for the mail-in rebate, you could either mail away for it yourself and I'd pay the price minus the 18$ rebate or send the mail-in rebate w/ receipt with the cds and I'd pay the whole cost.
Just a propostion I had.. if anyone is interested just say so
Otherwise I'd probably have to make a trip across the border this weekend for a couple days, make a worthwhile stay out of it at least (and besides, we don't get deals like this up here!)