I dunno, this drive has that distinct foul odor of a product that was put out just in time to be bought by people who didn't want to wait another month for a much better product from other manufacturers...
besides, its main "high" of 4x DVD-R/2x DVD-RW isn't a factor right now as the media isn't available. When the media is available, well, the other [better] drives will then be out. Being early with an out-of-date product just to (UGH!) CAPITALIZE on its earnings' potential isn't what should drive me to want to buy a Sony...
Those low points will soon enough be lower...
Unfortunately I see its only good point as being the 8MB buffer...
Pretty obvious why it was available from Dell for 40% off retail... But offering a drive initially at just its true worth looks bad...
Can't understand no 4x +R/RW support...
Can't understand no Mt. Rainier (though the above partly explains it... they ignored this area...)
And is there really a logical explanation about the capability to write at 4x on DVD-R but only capable of then reading it at 2x!?
Sniff... Sniff... WHEW!!!!
That foul stench of an over-priced, out-of-date, rushed-to-market product!!!
I do want to buy a Sony, but I will try to wait until their next DVD burner comes out...
But they probably have lost a sale...